Sidney Ledson's book?

Teach your Child to Read in Just 10 Minutes a Day

The reviews of this book were really down on sight reading.

Has anyone read this book or heard of this author?

What are your thoughts?


Never heard of it. Anyone else?

Interesting. I just went to the authors webpage. It appears to be a Canadian company.
I called the school to inquire how there program works and they suggested I call back tomorrow when one of the teachers are available. Not as helpful as I thought but I’m interested

I don’t know about this book. I have tried Teach your Child to Read in 100 easy Lessons
This is really a great book only 20 dollars and each lesson is only 15 min. and they are scripted for you to easily go through with your kids. I used this for both my boys and they are very good readers! Also it has been around for years and has a good reputation. You should just check it out for free at Borders or something. It is well worth the 20 dollars and it is all you need.


Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons and Sidney Ledson’s book are completely different. I love Ledson’s books. My favorite is “Give Your Child Genius IQ: A Program for Busy Parents”. It covers most of what the reading book does, as well as giving tips for teaching other skills, including memory and thinking skills. I highly recommend it. I’ve read several of his books, and they tend to be repetitive of each other, but “Give your Child Genius IQ” is the most complete.

Hi Guys!
I know this tread is old but I bought Sidney Ledson’s book Teach Your Child To Read in Just 10 Minutes a Day, and I’m trying his phonics program with my 5 year old. He claims this program can work with kids as young as 2.
I wrote a little review on my blog , if anyone is interested.

Thank you for calling my attention to that book. I definnitely will look for it at amazon.
Did you read “Give Your Child Genius IQ: A Program for Busy Parents”. ?

Can you comment more in detail “Give your Child Genius IQ”?

It has been brought to my attention that “Give your Child Genius IQ” is actually currently unavailable for purchase online. It is an update from his earlier book, “Raising Brighter Children”, and is very similar to it. Things he recommends doing with your children include easy mazes that become more challenging (We have used Kumon’s workbooks with great success for this), placing a few items in a basket, letting your child look at them, and then you take one away and they have to guess which one it was (a memory game that is easy to make more difficult by adding more items), looking at those similar pictures to determine what’s different about them, and things like that. He recommends using the educational video media at the library for your screen time. He talks about placing maps on your wall for your childrens reference. He suggests simple counting games. Many of his ideas can be played in the car while you drive and they have some sort of manipulative in front of them, like magnetic letters on an older baking sheet. He also talks about his reading program in this book. I too have recently blogged a bit about it here:

I actually didn’t have that much luck using it with my 2-year-old, and I am trying the whole-word method again with him. It’s a little bit frustrating that of all of the early-learning programs I have wanted to implement in our home, reading is the one that I wanted to succeed at the most, and it is the one that hasn’t worked for us yet. The success we have had in all of the other programs, including from Glenn Doman and Sidney Ledson, has more than made up for it though. I highly recommend Sidney Ledson’s books.

You have to also remember he has 100% success rate in 30 months at there school. Some children catch on right away and others take longer.

Thank Tamsyn, I look into your blog and think i have to go back and read it more carefully. Let me congratulate you for such a nice place and neat organization. Very good.

Thank you!

Okay Waterdreamer…it’s been about 3 weeks now since you posted about trying this with your son. How are things going with the Ledson “Method”? Anxious to hear!

Well we are still playing the block game once a day 4-5 times a week. I do notice a difference in his reading. So does his tutors. He is more interested in taking a turn when we read together. Actually some times he now insists he be the one to read. Finally he understands the concept of sounding out words. He use to just guess when we did other flashcards teaching families. Now he needs to sound out the words correctly to get the reinforcer. I could have proabley gotten him through the complete first part of the program by now, but I’m choosing to take it slower so we don’t burn out and so it is still fun.

Please do keep us posted as you continue (or discontinue) the program. By the way, I just got the book from the library. I’m only in a few pages though, so I can’t comment yet. Although, I will say that it is easy to read!

I’m checking my mailbox every day for the book by him call “Raising Brighter Children”. It should arrive any day!!

Hey, look what’s available again: :slight_smile:

I’ve been revisiting this book for the logic puzzles and memory games mentioned earlier. It is still a great go-to resource for me, and I’m excited that its available for others again.

I have just started to read the book Waterdreamer recommended and it is great. I think that that is what my dd needs - a teddy bear lol It is easy to read and what I personaly love is that he gives instructions on how to use it in preschool with more children. I am going to try it and teach my preschoolers as well just becouse I am very curious about it :clown: I would love to read more from this author so hopefully it will be available on kindle.
Thank you for the link Tamsyn, do you think the hardcopy would be better ( any worksheets there to be copied)?

Oh wow! Thanks for sharing! I’ll be ordering that book asap. Thanks for sharing!

YIKES! They want $21 to ship this book to Canada!

Jeepers! :tongue: I can’t say it’s worth $47 total, especially where you already have “Raising Brighter Children”. I’ll compare the two this weekend and give a book overview.