Sidney Ledson- A Must Read!!!

I know I posted about this a few days ago on another thread but I think somethings are worth repeating.
Last week I read the book “How to teach your child to read in just 10 mins a day”. Wednesday, Thursday and today I played the game with him just like the book said, and he is getting it. He is sounding out words. We are on Step 9, and I even notice him trying to sound out larger words when we are reading. This is all in 3 days of lessons.
I just ordered another book of his on Amazon " Raising Brighter Children" on the advice on someone who commented on my blog. It’s suppose to give a bit of information about teaching your child to read, but also how to do math and problem solve. I’m hoping not to have to wait long for it.
I’ll keep you guys posted.

I’ve fallen off the Sidney Ledson wagon this summer :frowning: Life has been so very busy. I’m really happy though that the little bit of this program we have done really opened my sons eyes up when it comes to sounding out words. I plan on reviewing the words we have done already, typing up an excell file and checking off the words my son does know and pick up from there. I mean making a 60day commitment is should not be a big deal since it only involves 10mins a day. But with holidays, and summer camping trips we just didn’t fit it in. So I hope to start attempt 2 next week. I also have to go to Dollarama and get some good edibles.
As for the other book " Raising Brighter Children", I’m finding it less reader friendly. His book, “How to Teach your Child to Read in 10 minutes a Day” was just so easy and smooth to read, this one is not as smooth, but so far still good. I realized while reading this book, I did attempt his first book “How to Teach your child to read in 60days” but never completed it because it was a bit dry.
Once again I’ll keep you posted :slight_smile:

So today I sat down and I thought about our Sidney Ledson program. I love the idea of teaching phonics, but wanted to make it a little more compact. The egg carton was just a bit bulky for me to carry in my purse. So I took a hand full of pop bottle lids, a ziplock bag and an index card and made a game based off the block game.
Basically I wrote out the first 18 words on the list. Those words only require the letters
A, C, H, O, P(2 of these), T, U.Then you need t, h, e in lower case letters.
Ledson recommends using capital letters because the child can not memorize the shape of the word this way. He wants them to learn how to truly sound out the words.
With my son, he already knows what letter makes what sound, but if your child doesn’t you teach them what sounds U and P make. Then after you teach them how to sound out the word UP. And then the word PUP. Then you introduce the letter C and it’s sounds. Now the child has the ability to spell CUP. Slowly but surely the child learns how to A) the sounds of the letters, B)How to spell and C) How to read.
We played around with this today and had lots of fun. If you follow the book, your child should be able to read 100 words in 45 days.
Wesleys tutor and I realized while they ran a basic spelling program with him, as he learn to spell the words he always remember how to read them. That’s why I decided to alter this program. For those that are interested the first 18 words are:

  1. UP
  2. PUP
  3. CUP
  4. CAP
  5. AT
  6. PAT
  7. CAT
  8. TAP
  9. CUT
  10. the (the reason this is lower case is because it doesn’t follow the basic phonic sound. We are not at the point the child is ready to learn about the th sound, so we teach it as a whole and we will worry about the rule later as the is in almost every sentence)
  11. HAT
  12. HOT
  13. HOP
  14. TOP
  15. POP
  16. POT
  17. COP
  18. COT
    The book How to Teach You Child to Read in 10 minutes a Day by Sidney Ledson is where I got this idea.

That’s a great modification for portability.

Keep us updated on his progress :slight_smile:

how is the sidney ledson program going on? instead of teaching her one word by word, i made flash cards out of it… maybe i should teach her word by word
step by step… :slight_smile:

Hi, wondering how the programme is going? I also wondered how far this programme goes with phonics teaching as my DD can already sound out any simple c-v-c word and most of the longer ones too, but needs more advanced phonics now - I have done “sh”, “th” and “wh” with her so far and plan to do more (ch and the double vowel sounds perhaps) in the next few days and then a bit later do the long vowel sounds - does the book tell you how to introduce these later?

We have been doing this program on and off. However my sons tutors have been teaching him how to spell 4 letter words so when I show him these 3 letter works he has little tolerance for it. Even still his book was still very good and helped understand how to teach phonics to a young child.