Showing Bits in Multiple Languages

I want my son to be bilingual, so I want to do a full EK program in English and Russian. Is there a recommended time between showing a set of Bit cards in two languages? Would it not be boring to see the same cards so many times if I show first in English, then Russian? Should I separate out the sets to give more variety? Or just show the same set in both languages at the same time?

Is anyone doing bilingual EK and able to share some tips?
Thank you!

Hmmm… I’d be interested to here what others have to say. Maybe if you could show them in one languages and someone else in the family should them in the other language. Same info but differnet person. Kind of like the one parent one language type of method to teach more then one language to a child.

Although it would be nice to have different people presenting the bits in different languages. That may not be practical. I’m all for doing it on different days. Have an English day and another day Russian. Best is to have set days like Monday for one language Tuesday for the other. Or three days one language and three days the other. Sunday left out so it is always the same days. I find that works best for my students that are 2-6 year olds.