Should I teach my child Chinese Currilumu right after Little Reader Lesson?

Hello Parents!

How long should I wait before I teach my child the Chinese Currilumu program after she does her daily Little Reader, Little Math, Little Musician lesson? Should I leave a 15 minute gap for each course or I can teach them back to back?

I just borught the Chinese program through Brills Kids and I’m not sure if it will be a good idea to teach my daughter the program right after the Little Reader. I’m scare she will get confused.

For parents that have experiences with both program give me some suggestions. Does teaching them two languages confuse them or are they able to master both?

Many Thanks!

What program is that?

Is there any chance I can get Brillkid in Singapore?

Would love extra help other than enrolling him to some Chinese Speech and Drama Classes.

Many mums here teach them back to back. Children don’t get confused. They are much smarter than us :wink:
Doing all of them back to back is quite a long time to expect a child to focus, perhaps consider a break halfway through. However each child Is different and some will happily sit there actively watching for that long.
Ekari, did you mean you are interested in the Chinese curriculum for little reader? It is for sale online here in the shop. It teaches Chinese language and reading of charters as well.

I normally do back to back with the english ones. And consider nowadays my 18 months old doesn’t want to stop at all, I put little Maths in between the languages to give some ‘variation’. He can definitely sit in front of the screen for ages if you let him but i often have to drag him out of his seat screaming because he wasn’t ready to finish yet.

Nowadays I also print the flashcards out so to reduce the screen time and he can still get his ‘fix’ for the day.