Should i retired ABC flash card

I have been shoulding my son ABC flash cards since he was 3 months old. he is now 13 months old and shows me that he know the letter a and d. should i continue the flash cards?..i am a working mom and getting rid of abc will open room for more math. He watches leap frog letter factory daily. Just need some input

My guess would be yes, retire them. Try many different ways of getting this basic, essential into the brain, and it’ll be more likely to stick. Also see and their alphabet section, it’s great (if you haven’t already). Also, if you haven’t already, try a toy or two that reproduces the sound when you press the button. Along those lines, I am very sure the Leapfrog fridge phonics helped my own boy when he was learning his ABCs and in the earliest stages of sounding out words.

I agree with DadDude on mixing things up! We have been using his suggestions of Starfall and the Leapfrog fridge phonics. Also, just try to point out letters that you see on signs or food packages. If you’re doing sign language, you could also show Signing Time’s ABC dvd. I think your son will surprise you with his knowledge pretty soon :).

Thanks for the input… We live by starfall. I have been doing starfall for him ever since have was in the womb…(lol…the stories). We ever did 26 weeks of a letter each week…
We have the fridge phonics that he likes to walk around with pressing the button to play the alphabet song…lol…I think i will retired the cards. We have the Tag JR and the ABC book. Maybe i will make that a part of this reading package we do at night until he proves to me he can read.

Thanks for all of the input…

P.S. last night he was walking around the house trying to say apple. he say ahhhh…pffff…

lol lol

Thanks again

Sounds like you’re on track. My boy didn’t show he knew any of the letters until he was 18 months or so, but shortly after that he could recognize all of them.

wow that’s a long time showing him the ABC’s. we didn’t even say the names to the letters and stuck to phonics sounds. we retired our ABC’s when my daughter was just 2 months old. she already knew them. hurry and retire your ABC’s before your son gets sick and tired of them and learns to dislike what some adults call the learning process. stimulate, stimulate, stimulate!

if you’re worried, take a break from the ABC’s, do some math or whatever else, and go back to the ABC’s. you’ll probably be surprised at how much your son had remembered.

sorry, forgot to say why we didn’t bother with the ABC letter names. i am a teacher, so is my mom, and a whole bunch of our other family members. we’ve come to the conclusion that ABC’s are almost worthless in early childhood education, and would much rather replace simple those ABC’s with phonics

also keep in mind… this is advice from my mother: sometimes very young children won’t show you they know what they know you want them to have learned and remembered, simply because they are bored and are insulted at the low level of stimulation. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOUR SON SHOWS OR “PROVES” THAT HE KNOWS EVERY SINGLE LETTER OF THE ALPHABET. think about it… is it better that he understands 100% of a very limited amount of information you are able to offer him, or say… 60% of a rich, balanced, and varied amount of information?? which do you think is more intelligent?

Thanks for all the great input. We do alot of other things besides ABC and what i was afraid of is that he was getting bored. I have been working with him for a long time and if this infant learning thing holds true he knows alot of stuff. I have retired the ABC cards and we are doing word cards and a reading book I used when i was in preschool. We will read as usual but i will do more math with him. We count with his alphabet

Thanks again