should I not teach him about guns?

hi all, I have the worst problem at hand so far!
I always teach my son his favourite topics, give encyclopedic knowledge on it and give the facts out for him.
Now its ranged from vehicles to balls and even tigers! Now hes taken an interest in guns and pistols! And as my son is one hyperactive son, and having read violence exposures would worsen this, I am wondering whether I should teach or just let be! mind you he’s taken this interest sometime last year Oct or so and still got it and draws his own version of guns and he even got a play ak47 n went around with it till it broke and then got those dart type pistols where you aim with it even.
Even now he’s after my back begging for a gun!
So help me decide, should I teach him about the different types and facts of it?

I suggest you teach him how dangerous they are and what happens to little ones who play with the real thing. Then you can teach him some facts about them. I wouldn’t go overboard and include some safety issues in the lesson. I do not think you can teach about guns without explaining death to your child. Young children can not understand death. But I also think that avoiding topics like guns that are dangerous could be a problem especially if he is really interested. Just be careful what you teach and try not to spark a larger interest.

guide me please if u can on what n what i should not teach him!!! as for sparking anymore interest on the subject wonder if there is room for anymore interest in it as hes ever soo interested in it!!!
was thinking of showing the pistols, ak47s, m16s, shot guns, rifles, bazookas in pictures and their names…
Ok, please help me choose those that I should NOT teach…!!!1

I do not think I would show all those. I would concentrate more on safety and how he could get hurt.

Teach them not to point a firearm at anyone. Teach your children if they see a gun they should not touch it and they should leave the area immediately and tell adult. Teach him the difference between a real gun and a toy. Never assume a gun is not loaded. Teach them how to know a target and beyond in case they miss or in the future if they are using a real gun or bb gun how it can go through a target and hit something else. There is a lot of safety issues a child must learn about a gun before I would teach them all those weapons you listed.

Tell him when he learns all the safety issues and respect for a gun then you will teach him about guns.

Even those toys guns can hurt someone if not used properly like shooting someone up close in the eye.

by the way, we dont see real guns at all here but there are many different kinds of toy guns!!!

Guns are a scarey topic for me too. I’m not sure where to draw the line. I don’t allow toy guns that look real in my house. But things like nerf guns, I’m not sure how I feel… I guess teaching gun safety is the best way to go, but the whole thing makes me uneasy

“he even got a play ak47 n went around with it till it broke and then got those dart type pistols where you aim with it even.”… It sounds like he went out and got those all on his own and parents had no say, ha! Well, what I am trying to say, you are the parent and you are making rules. If you feel that he is overly interested in something that might not be the best for his development, you can just eliminate it. It is similar to children being addicted to sugar, candy or junk food, – they can not just go out on their own and get it, that means that parents making provision for them to have it…

Oh, and good suggestion early on – you can teach him about dangers of the guns, etc

skylark, yeh Ky went with his uncle and stopped at a toy shop and insisted he be bought a specific gun. he clutched to it and didnt let go of it!

and i just realised, guns are not how you view it here in my country. we never see the real gun unless you have lived abroad in a place where you got to see this or you join army where you see this only in training. Guns are not the killing weapons rather a boy’s toy here cos we dont see the real guns probably. Every toy shop here sells toy guns and its part of a boy’s life to own a toy gun here! I can say that toy guns are more common than building blocks! and also kids dont play with gun to kill, but rather its a toy you play fool with. I mean yes I too remember playing dead with guns when I was young and it was mere play and death wasnt a subject back then, but the playing was. and this is not such a violent country so far.
I am just worried about what i teach my son so worried should I explain the whole thing. And as my son dont watch tv even, he have been exposed to toy guns from my friend’s kids and he probably is so interested because I dont buy him one but he sees all the boys he know owning one, (hehe I just realised how he got interested in it!!!)
I hope i made you all understand the difference in our societies and how we perceive guns! hehe never wondered about this even… while it is a very frieghtening thing for you all, I dont think any parent here would be that fearful about giving a toy gun here! and its cos we dont see the real thing and its very imaginative world we see in movies where guns kill, or the news!!! its like living in space for you guys, killing people with a gun!

ya very much agree to kyles mom. every one no meter a girl or a boy owns a toy gun here. i see toy gun from every place i visit with E and she demand for the gun too. E’s favorite cosine had many guns ( i can see only guns of different types as his toys). i dont like buying gun as its not in the category of toys i choose for her but as she is talking about the gun toomuch her daddy bought one for her and she had it for a week and then thrown away.

toy guns are parts of young boys here mainly but we can never see a real gun until and unless be a army officer

Must be nice. Guns are an awful part of our world. Hard to imagine a place without guns. Several kids here die every year because the adults are careless with their guns and the kids kill themselves.