Should I incorporate videos into powerpoints to teach baby to read?

Hi everyone,
I’m building powerpoints with both images and videos which come after the words for my baby, who is 10 months and a half old. My point in using videos is this: baby loves them and I hope to give her a all-round idea about the words. For example, if the word is a dog, I want to show her what the dog does and what sounds it makes. It’s obvious that my baby is greatly excited about the videos, so much so that I worry will she just remember them instead of the words that the videos are supposed to illustrate. So should I worry about this? Thank you

I would use little reader as a model on how to do this. While I haven’t yet used the software, the demonstrations I’ve seen show it will repeat the same sentence (or word in your case) a few times, one of which is repeated while the video dramatizes the sentence.

Yes. Your baby is 10 month old. There will be many words you are teaching your child to read that your child doesn’t have a good understanding of. By including videos you are enhancing understanding and providing your baby with the opportunity to learn to read the word at the same time that baby learns the meaning of a word.
Some tips, to consider. Keep the videos short, in order to keep the focus on the words and keep the presentations short. Don’t rely on the videos as the only way you teach a concept. For example in teaching the word dog, use the power point but be sure to add in real life experience soon after wherever possible. Also add real life “dog” along with the written word " dog" whenever you get the chance. Some carry a little white board around for this reason. Also you can show a word, then a picture then the word again then the video. And replay the same presentations a few times.
My kids have probably learnt as much from videos as from me in their lives. They really enjoy educational DVDs and utube clips. They retain the knowledge well too. They don’t watch regular TV very much at all so perhaps that is part of the reason the moving images are so captivating for them still.

Thank you both for your advice! It makes so much sense. PokerDad, I’m doing what you suggested, repeating the words after the videos. Mandabplus3, thanks a lot for sharing your experience. I haven’t thought about bringing a white board with me while taking baby out, should have come up with that long ago! I will do that also.