Should I encourage walking?

Over Christmas, Nikki finally discovered that it was possible to put one foot in front of the other :ohmy:

I was always determined that I would follow Doman’s suggestions and encourage crawling as long as possible… but Nicholas’ belly crawl uses both hands simultaneously and only one leg, and he seems determined to ignore all attempts to get him up on all fours. It is the cross-pattern crawl that he is avoiding so stubbornly that Doman says grows the brain, so is he benefiting from crawling time? Should I encourage him to pull up, stand and cruise, and support him to ‘walk’ so that he is at least strengthening his leg muscles?

Has anyone had similar problems? Doctors, of course, would encourage getting him to stand and walk asap (while saying not to worry if he takes his time) but I want the opinion of people who won’t think I’m crazy to connect crawling and brain development lol


I didn’t encourage walking until I thought my son needed to start walking. He crawled forever and was able to pull his self up and walk around holding on to stuff, but he didn’t start walking until 15 months. I think peds start getting worried if a baby isn’t walking by 15 months, so I started encouraging it more as he got closer to 15 months.

He’s almost 15 months now and although he’s figured out how to move his legs, he won’t support his weight at all. He can’t stand without holding on to things and doesn’t pull up :frowning:

I suppose, technically, he should only just be 1 though, so I’m not too worried. We have an appointment with the physiotherapist in a couple of weeks - check-ups because he was premature. Hopefully he’ll be doing what she expects of him by then. I’m just conflicted by the desire on the one hand for him to walk, yet wanting him to benefit from crawling as much as possible. :confused:

I have had the same problem with my son. He would be 14 months next week and he has been crawling super fast on fours but is not walking yet. I asked the docs and he mentioned that I should not worry about this until 17 months and I could treat that as my deadline and not worry. My son is pulling himself up and cruising all around the house with support but its just that he lacks confidence- similiar to yours.
But I read and have heard that as long as he is pulling himself up and cruising along you have nothing to worry.
Good Luck