Should I convince my child to join Enopi contest even if she doesn't like?

Hi! My daughter has been taking Enopi since she was 4 years old. She is now 7 and Enopi center has invited her to join their annual contest wherein they rank children who took the test. She hasn’t really been to any contests before and she has no idea of what the contest is like but she already is saying that she doesn’t like joining contests and actually hates contest.

This happened already last year. I didn’t insist her anymore since I didn’t want to pressure her. I just told her that I used to join inter-school math contest too myself when I was in highschool. I kept explaining to her that contest is not about winning or losing. It’s about experience you get, meeting new friends and being able to visit different schools. I made it sound like it was really fun. I also mentioned to her lightly that she should keep up with her math skills since she can be chosen as a representative of her school. I don’t know if I gave her unnecessary pressure that made her hate contests so much.

Should I convince her to join even if she doesn’t like? Or should I just let it go and let her join when she’s ready. I need your opinion on this. Thanks!

Mommy of 7yr old girl and 4yr old boy
My husband just passed away this year because of cancer

Wendy , soory for your lose.
What nice opportunity for your child to participate in the contest. I think you are doing the right thing explaining her what a contest is all about but you have to meke it clear that it is her decision and nobody else.
I also enter a math contest representing my school while on junior highschool. It was a very nice experience knowing kids all over the country.
Can you tell me what is Enopi?

Hi Bebes!

Enopi is a math and reading program just like Kumon. This is it’s link…
Well, I guess I will just wait until she’s ready to join.

When you say that I should make it clear that it’s her decision and nobody else, does that also mean we give them freedom to choose what they want? In your opinion, when should parents have control over things? They say authoritative style of parenting is still the best but I find it hard to balance between letting them decide on their own or making them listen to you.


It all depends on what we are talking about and your child’s age. As they grow older we should have less things to ‘impose’ on them.
In this case we are dealing with ‘her’ participation on a contest so it is perfectly right and highly recomended for us to guide or give our opinion but i will not consider that we have to show our athority ‘forcing’ her to participate. Just try to persuade her. She will do much better in the contest if it is ‘her’ decision.

That is my opinion but maybe i am wrong. Keep us inform how it went.