Should i buy LR and LM both?


I am planning to buy LR but i am not sure whether i should LM too as some of the people feedback is that their babies dont like LM .

Please share your exp which can help me in taking the decision.


Why don’t you take the free trial and see how your baby likes it?

My son loves little math. It keeps his attention alot better than the little reader does. When his session is over I have to immediately occupy his attention or hr gets a little fidgety. Every baby is going to react to different things differently.

If you decide to try a math program, LM is the way to go. Many parents find that the key is switching up the icons all the time. If you child is going to get bored with LM, I guarantee that they are going to get bored a LOT faster when looking at the same red dots again and again. Some babies don’t mind the the red dots, but LM will definitely extend the life of your math program because you have the option recapture their interest with new icons of cartoon characters and such. No other program offers that versatility. Of course, it’s no guarantee that your baby is going to love LM, but the odds are a lot better LM than with staring at all those red dots!

I agree, why don’t you take a free trial. From personal experience though, — my daughter loved it, and in the beginning she liked math more then reading :slight_smile: Just make it fun, and keep it flowing. Just a few minutes a day can go a long way.

It depends on age. Your child is young enough to enjoy LM. It is different after 18 month age.


can you please elaborate on your thoughts as to LM after the age of 18 months.


can anyone tell me more about the other items that come in the deluxe LR set (vs the basic set)? is it worth the extra money to buy the deluxe if i have already been doing flash cards w/ my daughter for some time? thanks!

also, my daughter is almost 21 mos old, so i am very interested in finding out more from Frukc regarding using LM in kids over 18 mos. thanks.

also, my daughter is almost 21 mos old, so i am very interested in finding out more from Frukc regarding using LM in kids over 18 mos. thanks.

I just meant that it is a bit harder as it is with 7 months old. I did not mean that you should not do it!

I think, with 4 month or 7 month there is almost a guarantee that you will succeed. With 1 or 2 year old - there can be some cases which are not so successful. You should show more enthusiasm to your child and maybe play some theater. But I believe that in most cases it is possible to teach. Definitely you should do it.

And you should be ready to modify the curriculum to make your sessions very short. For example, 5 equations instead of 30. 10 dot cards instead of 20.

Doman writes about 18 - 30 monts old child: "he is of course highly capable… There are two important points …

  1. start this math program gradually.
  2. move from introducing dot cards to beginning equations as quickly as possible. … He will love equations, so don’t wait until you have done one to fifty in the dot cards to get to equations. He is not a baby. He will want equations more than single dot cards".

thanks for the info. I was just a little confused about why you had said after 18mos (I thought maybe I had missed something when I read the Doman books). I try to keep all our sessions short, frequent, and joyful. she loves our lessons and so do I. :slight_smile:
thanks again!

I have started LR and my son who is around the same age (6.5 mths) loves it. Its not too long like YBCR which he gets bored with. I plan to start LM at some later stage, maybe when he is 12 mths. I don’t think you need to do everything right away but just my thoughts. Good luck and have fun!

I suggest using the trial of LM with your young-un, or if you’re still not sure, just use some of those free Red Dot Slides floating around the web.

Without any experience or anything, I worry that it is really just too slow. I remember one of the Mods telling me that Division isn’t introduced until the 2nd 6 months…that just seems WAY too slow, so I think maybe the pace is what turns many children off, but then again, thats just my theory…I have no proof and I don’t know of anyone claiming this to be their own suspicion as well.

WAY too slow, so I think maybe the pace is what turns many children off, but then again, thats just my theory...I have no proof and I don't know of anyone claiming this

I claimed :slight_smile:
I thought that it is a bug in curriculum :slight_smile:!/msg62391/#msg62391

But you do not need to fix on the curriculum. Now I think - it is not possible to make curriculum which fits to every age. And if the curriculum fits to someone suddenly - it will not fit few months later because the child’s age and demands will change :slight_smile:

There are tools for generation your own equations in LM. I used quantity slides from curriculum and my own equations. Check “learn math” section on LM. There are ready to use equations and also such equations where you define the range and other parametres and the number of equations - and new equations are generated every time. This feature is the greatest thing on LM :slight_smile: