Should begin with Read first? Or both math and read?

Hi there,

I am new to Gd method and dont even have time to read the book. I skip the first few chapters to read at Chapter 7 to save my time. Now I have both Math card and Read cards in hands. That is my status now.

I would like to do math and read to my kids, 2.4 years old son and 6 months old daughter. GD suggest to do reading first but I dont want to waste my time. (I wasted lots of time before knowing GD method) Is it too many sessions for them? Can I do both math and read at the same session? Actually, I started Math card for almost 2 weeks before i found that Glenn Doman suggest reading first. so confused now. Do you have any suggestions?

For Math, my son seems to like it and repeat my words all the time I showed him (I did not ask him to but he did it by himself) My daughter prefer to look at my face instead of the cards! What should I do?

And how about encyclopedic knowledge? May I use Powerpoint presentation to 6 months old? too young? just afraid that it might not good for her eyes.

Thanks in advance

have not tried all these methods on babies yet but I read what other ppl have said :

They just customise their program according to what they like and have time to do.

It seems some ppl do a bit of everything in a day if they have time. No fixed rules/sequence.

Looking at PC and TV Screens I read is fine 4 mths onwards or rather the baby eyes only develop by 4 mths to focus on them. Just don’t over do eg not more than x min a time.

I hear this repeated so many times that most important is to make sure both you and baby enjoy the programs you show (Read/Math/Encyclopedic Paper/Electronic flashcards).

My older kids(7 & 9) already in school so lots of school homework.
Only after school work finish I show them around 10 min of Little Reader/Little Math/Tweedlewink/WinkToLearn Chinese.
Maybe like 3 days in a week. As at other days it’s too late and they need to sleep.

Sit in front of the baby in her chair (instead of her in your lap)and cover your face with the card “Peek a boo” style :slight_smile:

Thank you so much rainmatrix.That helps me a lot.
I start to teach my kids to read today together with Math.
I 'll try to customize it. It s difficult to do what exactly they said in the book!

Thanks Nikolett for your helphul technique!

I don’t use the Doman techniques exactly as in the book. I would advise starting with what you can manage (the babies can manage whatever you show them, but we as adults seem to struggle more) Rather start slowly and work up.

They do advise starting with reading first, but I don’t think it really matters.