Should babys start reading different lenguages at the same time?

Dear Forum
I wish you advice
we have three boys, 3 years and 10 moths, 2 years and 4 moths, and 10 moths old
At home we talk in Spanish and Mallorquin (the local leanguage of Mallorca). We applied allready with the little reader and little math in English, and also we want to start with the chinesse with the wink to learn.
Is it a good idea to start reading all these lenguages together or this will confuse to much??
The reading of english and spanish has totally diferent pronuntation. Should it be a problem???
Should we start with the same program to all three children as we start now??

Thanks in advance for your experiences and help
Best wishes

Hi, I have read it is better to start reading the most difficult of the two languages first, in this case English, and then Spanish. The reason is that the English language has different pronunciations for the same spelling, and Spanish is much easier because they the spelling fits the pronunciation. Anyway, I´m also Spanish and I´m teaching my son both at the same time.
I hope this helps you

There is no reason not to teach two languages at the same time. Babies can differentiate the differences between them. If it were me, I would probably show one language for a month before I added the addition of another language. This would just be to establish a foundation of sorts before introducing a new language.

Hi binerbo and everybody
i am spanish as well and we are speaking mainly both languages to our daughter, English and Spanish.
my husband has been talking to her in English since she was born and i was doing mainly spanish but now i talk to her mostly in English because we think that outside our house everybody will bealking Spanih to her
We have already started with LR, shall i start with Lm as the same time?
How are you working with LR, twice a day?
Best regards

Hi guys,
Catalina(23 months) is being reading in spanish and english, we use LR,YBCR,DOMAN FLASHCARDS, and signing flashcards, she has all of them in spanish and english, about YBCR I downloaded the slides from LR made them by Joha in spanish. Pretty much she can read both without a problem.
Since my husband speaks english to her and I speak only spanish to her she can understand both. Now I want to start teaching her the abc’s so she can recognize letter by letter instead word by word. I think we will start teaching her english first and then the spanish abc’s because sounds are different I don’t want she to get confused, when she has a better idea about each letter in english I will start teaching her spanish.

2 -3 - 4 languages the headache is for us - MOMS- to keep up, kids will love it, and they do not get confuse. Ask any european in this forum - in many places in Europe kids grow up learning up to 4 or 5 languages simultaneously - that is very common. No problems!!!


lol…that is right Gloria…tha headache is for us, find the time to make all we need ready and keep it up! me with only english and espanish I am already tired…it is a lot of work…


Feel your pain - Animo anyway!!


Actually my bigest issue is about chinesse. I agree about english and spanish together…but chinesse is a different world??? Should we try…if we have the time for it???
Best wishes

If you have time to introduce chinese and you want to, I say go for it!!! I am teaching my son chinese along with several other languages and it is going great :slight_smile: I agree with what Gloria said, but in the end it is sooo worth it, especially when you actually see all of your hard work paying off. Good luck with whatever you decide to do and happy teaching!!!

Yes, it is worth it.Like I say the best gift you can give your child for life is a good education.

I started chinese with Catalina by showing her Litlle Pim…she doesn’t seem really interested in the videos but I gave 2 months without letting het watch it( we were on vacation and then holidays…etc)anyways I will start again with the dvd’s ,and I will make some chinese flashcards to reforce the words she is learning in the dvd’s.
That will be a good way we both learn some chinese… :wink:

I think the earliest you start with chinese the better because it would be much easier for them to remember the characters. We have been showing Valerie Little Pim and Wink to Learn. She does very good with both programs. The only issue is that I have no clue of chinese, so it is hard to know how much she is really learning. Again, as I have said before, to certain point it is just an act of faith. We do the same thing with German. I’m thinking about getting Little Pim in German, but I’m not 100% since I was hoping she will associated Little Pim with Chinese. Any thoughts on this anyone?

Also keep on mind that the yonger they are exposed to the language, more likely to not have an accent.


You can definetly do both LR and LM at the same time. That is what we have been doing and I think it works. Now, I try to show them twice a day but some time we can only do it once. The adantage is that the program keeps record of where you are at.

Hi, I think Chinese would not be a problem actually. We have been teaching our boys for almost 5 years and they are doing pretty well. My suggestion would be to not teach pinyin just the characters so their is not another written phonetic language to compete with. My boys like the characters because they really do tell a story if you learn about them. It would be hard to really help them with it past a certain point if you don’t know it but they will still learn a lot from the exposure. They will more readily pick it up later when they or you are ready to delve into the language more. I don’t think you can really go wrong with it!
Your little one may be a little young now but I am doing a 21 Day Chinese Lesson Challenge and a drawing for a giveaway to all who subscribe for it! The give away is Learn Chinese Characters from Tuttle which is a great book for you to remember the 800 most common characters and you could help your little ones easier!