Should 15 months old be talking???

my child ir early speaker. she speaks better than any other child in her age I personally know. and I know the reasons:

  • whan she was baby, I gave her toys with rough surface and slim details; so she trained her fingers and could pick up very small things at 6 months. typical “not below age 3” toys are unsuitable for this because child can just hold and shake them but can not bend and twiddle. it is important. late speakers usually have grasp like an excavator - they do not use single fingers, just whole palm.
  • (it was for other purpose) at 3 - 4 months, I did her massage of fingers. every finger was gently massaged like cow milking, 50 times.

of course, every child starts to speak, sooner or later. but it is so nice to have conversation. and this massage and training of grasp can be done at every age. some spacialists do also the facial masage.

here is one of our toys

I’m surprised to see that the kids are watching these dvd’s almost every waking hour, even though you said that they sometimes stop paying attention to them. I’m no expert, but you should do some research into exposing babies to too much tv. Just google it. Research apparently shows that many kids zone out during videos, even your own recorded voice on a dvd keeps them in the zone, and only speaking to them in real life makes them really listen to you. Im not saying eliminate tv completely, my 14 month old likes to watch it too, but no more than a couple hours a day, sometimes none. Anyways, I’m not saying that the dvds are the reason, every child develops at his own pace, but perhaps you could try to reduce the dvds. This will make the kids focus on social interactions with each other, and with you and that is the best way to learn language. Try to talk to them all the time. And when the background noise is eliminated, perhaps they will want to fill it with their own sounds…

Frucks, so do you personally feel that massaging the baby’s fingers enhances the vocal muscles?

Dear Everyone,

I also have twins who have slightly delayed speech expression due to twin talk and bilingual household. It is normal. I can say that the YBCR and Doman via LR methods have helped them a lot.

Please see below for more information:

Twins Speech Development:

Singleton’s Speech Development

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

child can speak only when his brain is ready. Brain areas necessary for speaking are located very close to areas responsible for fingers, and children somehow develop their speaking abilities while training their fingers.
There are many articles on the internet how sensory stimulation and massage stimulate brain development :slight_smile:

Vocal muscles can be trained with bubble blowing, drinking from straw etc :slight_smile:

I agree with your theory: I did read one of Doman’s book which said the earlier the child grasps, the better (along with climbing, walking, crawling). My daughter has very good motor skills. She was picking tiny amount of food early on (around 7 m), she started puzzles at 12 m…very strong little girl who runs, carries up to 2.5 kilos (she looks for my dumbells and bring them to me) at 14 months.

Still although she babbles a lot, and there is a definite intention to what she says, most of her words are neither french nor english. around 7 or 8 words now that she says well.

I guess my question is… maybe she could if she wanted to?
Could you give me a few links so i try what you recommend? I’d love some practical activities.

Which reminds me… I believe Doman said he was asking late speakers to crawl. I might try this. She has been crawling at all since the age of 10-11 m.

what a great girl you have : ) :slight_smile: your child’s speech is not delayed at all if she says so many words. unclear words must also be counted if they are used with meaning :slight_smile:

You mean, some practical advices to encourage speaking? I could not find English links. I don’t know the right keywords. So I just took advices from Latvian websites :slight_smile:

Nibbling of all kinds. displace peas or beans (one after one) from one bowl to another. put beans in the botle. sort beans from peas. browse a book. jingle a bell. string beads.
plastering. playing with nature materials (branches, leaves, shells, barks, sand, stones etc).

my child was late walker, and she crawled 7 months in total. I don’t know if it was good because she is not as strong and fast as other kids of her age.

15 month old is enough big to talk some words like Mama, Dada. A 15 months age child can speak 10-15 easy words. If your child is not able in talk accurate words then there is some problem in your kids communication skill and you should take help of a best speech therapist.

I was so afraid last time when my son aren’t talking at all. He would just scream and yell if he wants something until he’s 2y and 8 months. Sent him to my mom and she sort of helped with that, I don’t know how. Well, I guess it’s from the experience when she have me as a baby. Very thankful to her.