Shichida lesson plan???

Hi there!
Is there any one who know where can I find lesson plan of shichida classes???
I’m really interested in the method and want to practice with my 9 months old daughter at home?
I know some technics like energy ball and flashcards but I’m looking for more details of the classes. Can somebody help? Thank you

HI Ella

You can check out this video for energy ball practice There are many more on youtube.
The following attachment are sample lesson plan. Can’t remember the source though. Good luck

Sorry, wanted to add that if you are interested in right brain technique, best to learn from the sensei then purchase or make home practice materials. There are many commercially available kits. But stuff like ESP, sixth sense, alpha wave reading may a little difficult to achieve without guidance. I am speaking from experience because even though my DS is attending tweedlewink, i have included some Shichida practices in our daily session. I try to focus and not laugh when my 13 month old give me weird looks when I am doing the ESP games lol

I have some folders on the ESP games, photo memory and mandala. Do pm me if you are interested. BTW, I am not selling any products, just a borderline ‘kiasu’ (scared to loose) mum :wub: Actually, I am just a very nice person trying to help out others because I know how crazy it is when you first start out.

The most important lesson thus far is chill out and remember that first and foremost is love

Oh, you tube!!! I simply forgot to check it! Thanks a lot to remind me! :biggrin:
Yes, I’m interested in any ESP games, flashcards, photo memory, etc.
Does your baby enjoy tweedlewink classes? It’s too far from me and I prefer to take my DD to shichida class, but I went to tweedlewink two months ago to buy some DVDs for my friend and saw happy friendly atmosphere there? Do you know what’s different between these two methods?!!

Do you know anywhere I can buy flashcards inexpensive?

Hey mumtoisaac,

I’m new in Brillkids…

I’m interested in ur ESP games ,photo memory and mandala :smiley: …CAn u pm to me?? :yes:

my boy just 6 mths…I plan to send him to right brain school…I hv came across Shichida,Heguru and TW but don’t know which is suitable for my kid…coz every of them their fees are high…!! :wacko:

DO u hv any ideal …what is the diffrent between them.? Thanks for sharing :happy:

I bought shichida Flash cards (2000) in Japan (in Japanese) and brought them to US. I also tried on line based flash cards. Somehow, my baby only likes on-line based. She does not look at flash cards when I manually flash them for her, rather she just grabs them and play with them. Maybe, she is too young for the actural cards???

Hi everyone,

Regarding the right brain schools, I can only give my opinion on TW (Malaysia). I am based in Klang, so I actually chose TW because the location is 5 minutes away without traffic light en route. lol Having said that I have not regretted my decision. My DS and I love going for the weekly class. The programme is very gentle and montessori inspired, so it fits into my home practice nicely because I love Montessori’s sensorial, math and practical life. I have referred many ppl to TW and I think I should be given commission (ahem, Winnie/Pamela if you are reading) wakeke, just kidding.
If I live closer to Damansara, Malaysia, I would consider Shicida or Heguru if I am from Bangsar because these centers have a proven record/longer history. Their programme is similiar as Heguru’s founder is from Shicida. (Like I said I am only borderline crazy therefore battling 1-2 hours of traffic is not an option)
Read up on the programmes and visits the centers (if possible) to get a better idea of what you are getting becase the fees are similiar and not cheap. Also, my advise is to choose the one most suited for your child’s personality and you are most confortable with. You must be relaxed and happy when you go to class because if you are cranky, your negativity will affect your child.
If you are not close by to any centers, there are other resources like Brillkids (very convenient for home practice and lazy mom, ahem, that’s me) and Glenn Doman (for very OCD and hardworking mom, I gave up). The benefit of attending a right brain school is it keeps you on track and it guides your home practice. (Also, you can brag to ppl that your kid started school at XX month old and get a ‘Are you crazy?’ look lol. Just kidding) Realise I mentioned home practice a million times? That is the most important factor in the success of right brain. Practice, practice, practice = money, money,money
I try to get free material whenever I can and save the money for fees, educational toys, montessori materials, etc (I may appear on hoarder soon, you get the picture)
In reply to Sachilin, I find that baby’s are generally very tactile creatures, it’s just the way they learn and part of their development. I would be worried if my son doesn’t try to eat or touch everything. I usually do speed play (3 cards per second) on screen and use physical card for 3-part cards (montessori) and matching/mandala,etc.
Leena and ella, I’ll email my stuff to you.
Check out Shen Li’s blog as she is one kick ass mummy who blogs crazy information on right brain with plenty of resources for home use. This is her link:
Check out this thread, we (shen Li and I) have posted some resources for Dr Mommy: Right Brain vs. Left Brain

Thank you mumtoisaac for your useful tips.
I checked Shen Li’s blog right now and I found some photographic memory kit. Do you have it? It sounds interesting for home practice but I’m not sure what age it’s for!
DD is 9 and half.
Can your LO read? Or do you practice with him?

Hi Ella

I think the kit you mentioned is the one with a parrot/hornbill picture on it?

Genius Kidz Photographic Memory Kit
A complete training kit for developing & stimulating your kid’s Photographic Memory skills. A good variety of memory games suitable for Age 3-7. A must-have tool for right brain training!

Price: MYR248.00 (AirAsia price)

The photogaphic memory training is usually done for >3years old because they have to be able to interact and have a good grasp of language.
I did not puchase the kit coz i use all the free download material for practice.

  1. linking memory with my DS. Started with 4 cards at month old, currently at 20 cards. (Using Shen Li’s)
  2. photographic/space memory: I present the template. give him 5 seconds, then present blank card, ask him if he remembers. Then place the answer myself. Another rule of early education, give lots of input but don’t be expectant of overnight results/output. (Einstein’s mom waited till he was six. Look what happened to him)
  3. ESP: You can use materials at home of reuse your memory cards/any clipart

My DS just turned 14 month old. He has a vocab of 10 words and signs about 20, i lost count. Developmentally about 18 months.
He reads simple words like cat, hi, dog, nose, etc and signs it to me. Too cute.
Verbally, he reads ‘a’ for every letter (I teach both alphabet and phonics) and ‘eight’ for all numbers in the books since 12 month old lol. He ‘pretends’ to read by moving his finger along the print and imitates how i read to him. Does that count? lol

And yes, we practise every night for 1 hour only since I am working 9-5. We have a schedule that I try to follow. Some mummies here do it all day long including classical music and foreign languages. Must have very good stamina. I get exhausted after 1 hour because now DS can run and chooses what he wants to learn which is usually music and dancing/math (LM). Then i must coax him into LR/right brain work.

Don’t give up because they may seem uninterested at first but they are actually observing and learning. MY DS did not enjoy Little Chinese at first, so I stopped for 1 month. I was surprised when he pulled his ear when he heard ‘er’ (meaning ear in chinese) on TV. And lately he wanted to read his chinese series of Odonata books. So happy…

Will have to email you later. Don’t have my files at the moment. Are you from Malaysia as well? If you can read chinese, check out they have some information on right brain & early education. T

:blush: Thanks, Jessica.

Ella - this is the link to the shichida home practice guide:

And there are also more home practice activities outlined here:

If any of it is unclear, just PM me for more information.

Dear Jessica (momtoisaac)
That’s great! My sis-in-low’s daughter is 14 month old and just say mom,dad and bye!!!
And thank you for your information. I can’t read chinese but maybe google translate halps me! I should try :slight_smile:
Do you buy LM and LR software and materials? I downloaded the 14 days trial yesterday. Is it reaaly effective? I saw flicity’s reading clip and it’s wonderful!!
I live in malaysia now but I’m not malaysian

Hi ShenLi
Your blog has very helpful imformation for home practice, thank you.
Beside home practice, I want to know what they do in class. Home practice is just 15 min but Shichida class lasts for 1 hour and more flashcards, games,musics!
I want to know about games to make them at home for my DD!
Do you know about them?

HI ella87,

Yes, I am using Brillkids LR,LM and Lchinese. My son adores Math in any form. Now, he seems to enjoy Chinese. LR is a tad slow for him despite setting it at a flash/sec, so he gets a bit distracted. He will start signing for food/water/points to the door and once, he even faked a yawn. lol. So, I don’t use it everyday because Shichida recommend not flashing same materials more than four times. We do LR and Little Chinese twice a week and Little Math everyday. Works like a charm. My schedule rather flexible (I never force, just coax gently :)). Personally, I think that if you want your child to be able to read, this is a worthwhile investment. Also, if you are keen for right brain practice at home, you save lots of time on flashcard preparation.

I have a friend who started LR when her son was 4. But because her son was exposed to many other TV shows, he simply was not interested. So, start young.

Is Brillkid enough? No, this is just reading. For me, that’s where right brain education comes in and I add a dash of Montessori. lots of play, art & craft and tons of love.

Hi Jessica,

I know! I need lots of games, flashcards and educational toys!

I read some details of LR basic and LR deluxe! Do you think the basic one is enough or I should buy the deluxe?

I want to buy some blank card (A5) from shichida to make my own flashcards as I have many e-flashcards!
Something around 1000 in my laptop.

Also I saw some wooden toys in Isetan KLCC that sound good for practice right brain.
Can you help me where can I buy montessori product?

Hi Ella and Others,
We are from MyLearningKid,Singapore and we do have some right brain training materials and more to come in.

You can check our store for right brain training materials and flashcards

We are based in Singapore but we ship worldwide.Please feel free to get back to us for additional support.

Hi Ella,

Regarding the LR, I can’t remebber the difference btw basic and deluxe :blush: Maybe the brillkids team can help you there

That’s lots of enthusiasm and passion :slight_smile: I know, i love shopping for my LO too. Actually that’s pretty much my main agenda nowadays My face after shopping: lol Hubby’s face → :wacko:

Regarding montessori, if you are in Malaysia, there are a few companies but some deal in US Dollar. So if money’s no problemo ,then check out these sites:

I have purchased from USL and quality so-so but mostly made in China stuff. I am not particular about things made in China because after seeing so many catalogs and products I have realised that close to 80% of all products are from China. Unless you want to buy from Micheal Olaf or Montessori Services(US) in exchange for a limb :slight_smile: Most of the stuff are crazy expensive.

My advise is go through the curriculum and decide which you can DIY or collect stuff from around the house. Check out this facebook link: They have some montessori products arriving late August. Their retail shop is very near my place and I’ll pm you if I think the products are ok

Hi Jessica,

Actually I know the difference, the basic one in just the software but deluxe has 25 books, flip cards, Lesson planner and something else. I just want to know are they necessary? They cost more 100$ and I do want to pay if they worth!!

I agree with you. Most of the brands now made in china. I don’t care a lot as I know chinese products have different quality for different countries! I think malaysia import good quality! :slight_smile:

Thank you for links! I’m going to check them

Hi Ella,

I wrote a blog post outlining the class in Heguru and TweedleWink. We didn’t go to Shichida so I don’t know exactly what they do but I think it is fairly similar to Heguru. It’s here:

The main activities are covered in the home practice guide so if you follow those, you would be doing most of the essential activities. Most of the other activities are just matching stuff which you can find in activity books, for example, two piece puzzles - where they have to match which half goes with which half, which one is the biggest, which has more, things that belong together like mail and post office, etc. You can also make your own very easily. I think doing Montessori activities would also be an excellent supplement (this is the focus in TweedleWink).

The photographic memory kit will be too advanced for your child. At this point, your child is learning through observation so you can do the activities and demonstrate how they work.

Jessica - when Gavin was really little, he also “pretended” to read books to himself. We would go to a bookstore and he would babble to himself and point to the pictures as if he was narrating the story. He’s 4 and a half now and reads about grade 3 level so I think there is a correlation between his early pretend reading and his reading development. In fact, Gareth has started “reading” to himself as well in an attempt to immitate his older brother who likes to read aloud from time to time :laugh:

Hi ShenLi,

I read your blog posts. I think I got the gist of Shichida classes, thank you! :slight_smile:

I’ve never heard about Heguru before!

Yesterday, I started LR trial and LO loved it! It seems that Her serious educational classes have started :laugh: