I’ve been trying to see into Shichida method for under 2 children who can not speak nor walk yet. There are few info out there all refering to games that my baby can not do yet (like draw, putting pictures together etc…).
I would love to see some lesson plan and activities for little ones, especially for babies around 1 year old. If anyone knows, please share.
I do not live in a place where there is a Shichida class to enrol or observe.
hi, i have 2 kids-ones3 and half and the other is 6 mnths…i too wish i cud send my kids 4 these classes. hope someone wud upload some helpfullinks/tips for us too.
There r some shichida parents here, when they see this post they will share some lesson details here.
Hafam, it’s not too late, your child only 1yr old. Actually Doman method is good enough for anyone. So as we goes just add in more things… I start w doman method not long ago even through I found out abt Shichida method first. The reason is that even through I had read all of the Shichida’s books. The detail of how to do home practise is not as clear as Glenn Doman’s book. Hope this helps
Thanks luckymommy1307, it does help. At least I’m not buying Shichida books yet. They have only 2 english books left, and the courier cost is higher than the cost of the books. Very interested in reading those books though. However I can’t afford to buy them right now.
In New Zealand there is no Doman or Shichida books at the library or the bookshop. I had to order Doman books all the way from the US. Doman books are very clear and helpful.
Hmmm, can u read Chinese? There r alot of books written by Pro Shichida n it’s been translate to traditional Chinese character. The price is cheaper compare to e Eng.