Shichida- 5 minute sleep suggestion

I just heard about 5 min sleep suggestion used in Shichida method. Can any shichida parents enlighten me on this?
How do we do it? What exactly do we say? I am trying to potty train my son, which seems to go no where. Can I use this method to aid the process?

Thanks in advance to all.

Have you seen this thread?

Yes you can though not sure if effective …

Each time when your child feels sleepy accompany them to sleep tell them how much mummy loves them and how good a child they are and as they close their eye and before they snore … (this is the tricky part knowing that they are falling asleep but not yet asleep, if done too early they wake up, too late and they are snoring away) takes practice, once you are able to catch the timing …

say “how much a good boy he is, how much you love him and he loves you, and tells him about his toilet training today, and that how much he likes it, and whenever he feels like going he would signal a need to go and would be very happy to go in the potty…” repeat and repeat for 5 mins … and over a course of several days/weeks hopefully it gets thru …

Hmm but i am already training my child to use the potty she is 1yr 2m … i just put the potty in her play room, she explores it test it etc ,… and everytime she looks like going i just put her on it with diaper on of course … and when i clean up i just say “trin you just poo poo” …while rubbing her tummy … and in the play room i would point to the potty and call it poo poo too … so now she is pointing to it and rubbing her tummy … so we know she wants to go … and we take off her diaper for her (of course the potty is moved out of her play room now)… as for the wee wee part … hmmm maybe later …

I think it works; I have been doing it with my daughter for a month - well trying to… it is very tricky to stay with them and time perfectly the 5 minutes - very hard . But I have told my daughter things on those 5 minutes and the next day she talks and does what suggested. My husband and I were quite amaze- Key in this as always is being consistent and steady - which is our problem as my daughter can take up to 1 hour before falling sleep many times I fall sleep before her… :nowink:

hard to keep up but worth it.