She Understands!

I’ve been doing Doman Math dots and equations for a while now, and I’m never certain whether my 10 month old understands any of it. Then the other day when I set up division equations, the 2 card and the 1 card must have been stuck together. I was flipping cards quickly, with her sitting across from me, and not really looking as I said, “46 divided by 2 equals 23.” And she gave me this look of complete confusion - “Mommy, what are you talking about?” I’d never seen a reaction like that to any flashing, so I looked down. What I’d actually flashed was 46, 2, 1. She knew that was wrong! I don’t know if she just knew that 1 and 23 are not the same thing, but she definitely registered that something was incorrect in what just happened. I was so excited, I just had to share. Real proof that this is working! Yay!

Woohoo!!! Congratulations!!! I love when that happens. When you are not really sure if your baby is getting it; but you just have faith that she will, so you keep on trucking. And then one day out of the blue she does something to make you realize that all your hard work and dedication is paying off! Every time it happens to me it feels magical…

I sincerely hope there are many more “Aha!” moments on your learning journey.

So neat! Thank you for sharing!!!

Good job! Congrats :slight_smile:

May I ask how long have you been working with her? Mine is 10 mo and I want to start with her. Is it too late?!! :frowning:
I feel that I lost her best time! :frowning:

We started when she was about 4 months, I think, but I haven’t been very consistent at all. We hardly did it at all from six to nine months and then I just picked up where I’d left off. I don’t think 10 months is too late to start at all. I would start slow - we only do 1 set of 5 dot cards and 3 sets of 2 equations each per day. (Doman recommends 3 sets of dots and 3 sets of 3 equations every day.) But just do as much as your child likes and have fun!