Sharing session, welcome to give feedback

I just love the sharing sessions with the parents. I am wondering why they are so focus in these Right Brain Enrichment Programs? Usually the answers used to surprise me a lot!

Most of the parents especially those who come from a wealthy family will give me the reason of “I think this is a program which will be able to make my child to become a genius!”, “we are in a new era; everybody is just emphasizing on these early inputs and early enrichments.”, “So simple, just because they need to learn something instead of being bored sitting at home.”
This really make me wondered, “Hey, parents! Do you really know what Right Brain Education is? Is it a Genius-trained Program? Is it a program where you can just let your child to kill his or her free time? ”

Dear parents, it’s not! Right Brain Education is an education of heart.

I do agree that usually most of the right brain education centers are charging very high. This is not because of this program can guarantee your child to become a genius or what; it’s just because of the preparations, the materials, the training it costs, the researches etc. But then, if you carry out at home, then the cost will be lower.

Actually, Right Brain Education is really emphasized on the bonding.

During the training, if you are having a thought of expectation or kind of forcing feeling, surprisingly your child will be able to feel it! Then the whole session will just finish. I believe that some of the parents who are doing this will agree on this too. Some parents they used to say “by heart or by soul, I must flashcard to my baby at least one in a day” But, what happened to that session if you carried out just because of wanted to full fill that duty? Or when you expected them to be perfect in all the memory games, yet the result will be just turn into another way round.

There is a quote from a Right Brain Master Trainer, “Relationships come first”. Parents, please always bear this in your mind.

Let’s change the world, thanks!

Hi EQ_Boshi,
I like what you wrote here. I agreed with you. I had made mistakes in the past, but am blessed am managed to realised it. Thank god!
I was told to do lots of home practice no matter what my feeling is like on the day, I have to conduct it daily just to fulfill the daily home practice responsibility. Now, I dont any more, will only do it with my child when he is ready and am in a stress free mood…am able to see progress immediately…this is what we called education of heart! Am realising there’s still lots of things I could learn from my child and am on my way to understand my child better with the “Education of Heart”.
Now days enrichment programs are no longer for the wealthy family,I have seen lots of parents from lower middle class worked so hard just to send their child to enrichment programs like Shichida, Tweedlewink, Heguru…etc.
Let me shared with you what me and my gf have experienced in the enrichment programs here. We have seen mother scolding their child in the class just because their child didnt manage to get the answers correctly. They scolded their child “stupid” in front of our child. I feels this is bad because they are sending the negative image to the child telling the child he/she is stupid. Because of this the child has fear to answer any question promt to him/her by the sensei or teacher. Am feeling sad to see this.
Besides, lots of parents still spoon-feeding their child in the class. I think as a parents we do need to help our child but to certain extend we shall let our child answer the questions on their own even if its wrong. Why? I feel its alright for them to make mistakes, they can always learn from their mistakes. Even, we as parents, dont 10)% made the right decision. There was once, the sensei asked what is the answer for 9+1? My son asnwered 1. All other aunties laughed and they confronted me, why do you allowed him to answer when you knew he wont be able to give the correct answer? I ignored them. I told my son its okay for you to made mistakes. Mommy does that sometimes. Now, my son is able to learn better and he has no fear to make mistake and he even raise his hand to ask question on those topic which he doesnt understand in the class without feeling shy!
AT times, there are some parents complaining my son is just too active even he is smart. They always tell things like my son has brain sydrome or even said something like he is overstimulated when he did well in the class. Here not all the aunties are supportive, when they see your child do well they will be saying lots of things. AM very happy with the class where all the aunties are very supportive, am flattened to see those aunties even clapped hand for my child even he made a mistakes and encourage him and even said good try…This is the group of aunties who understand the meaning of education with heart. Not much ppl who joined these enrichment centres understand this motto! I personally feels if you want to see results you must understand the motto first and even apply it in our daily regime/activities with our child.

Dear mmom,
Totally agreed with what you said!!!
You know what, I did have such experience where the parent scolded her child in front of me and the child just sob without any action yet the mother keep mumbling and the other parents just tried to cover their kid’s ears. I felt sad and I really don’t know how to confront that parent too. But then, by the end of the lesson, I will hug the kid and whispered to him while the mother just gone and asked the indon mate to come in and pick the kid, :frowning:
Many parents signed up the program and they really wanted their kids to be a genius but never know the philosophy of that method itself. Sad thing, right?!
Anyway, thanks for your sharing too!

Yes,i totally agree with u too.Basically i wan to write a new topic about the parents over here.Come on,i know teachers are the best person to be your shoulder whenever you had problems.Sometimes,when it is come to the matter involving management,pls proceed to the right person instead of teachers.What have we done wrong?Basically,we just put our energy in the teaching and nothing more on other else.When asked,mummy,can you pls proceed your feedback to the right person?When it comes tot the right person,you seem to forget all the things that you have said to the teachers…
What am i saying is,if we were talking about right brain education,please don’t forget that teachers are only human…they need love and care from not just the kids but from the parents as well.In the end,what we are doing here today,is all for the kids,right,parents?Please bear in mind…thanks…