sharing at play times

My son is turning to 3. He understands sharing and playing with other kids. He can understand when it is other children’s turn and his turn at play times. He loves to play with other kids.

But the problem he is facing now is difficult. These days a cousin of his is staying at home (a 6 year old boy). He don’t know how to share and the most difficult part is he hides my son’s toys and never let my son touch it. and if he touch it this boy gets so frustrated and throws things at him and use to hit. Because of this my son has a fear to touch his own toys and he gets angry most of the time.

This 6 year old boy is my sis-in-laws son…so could anyone suggest what i should do…please!!

and one more thing. Even this boy does this to my son, my son loves him a lot and always want to play with him. I don’t know why this is happening? can anyone anyone help!! please

There was recently a related thread that discussed sharing among other topics I know it is a lot to read through, but there are some excellent articles there to get you started toward working out a solution.

Thare are many possible reasons behind the 6 yo’s behavior, however it is difficult to guess without having more background into the situation. Here are a few reasons I can think of now…
Maybe he never learned lessons that teach genuine empathy
Maybe he is feeling territorial because he isn’t allowed things of his own
Maybe he is accustomed to getting everything he wants and hasn’t had much exposure to other children
Maybe is in a phase where he needs to learn that there is enough to go around, so he feels he needs to have everything
Maybe he has been taught that if you are bigger you can take toys from people smaller than you

I hope this all helps.

Another article called “The S Word” is on the same site Twinergy refers to. ‘Share’ is a bad word to kids. It just means they have to ‘give it up’. Some good advice and insight on sharing here: