I did the HypnoBirthing course. They teach you about Dr Dick-Read’s Fear-Tension-Pain Cycle. That is, fear causes tension and tension causes pain. So if you don’t feel fear, you don’t feel pain.
Here’s my take on it. I had an open mind about the “pain” and I was expecting to feel my “surges” (which is how they describe contractions in HypnoBirthing) the way the book described them. Instead of feeling “waves” or “surges,” I felt a strong, very uncomfortable pinching that was extremely localized (very deep down). That took me by surprise.
I agree that tension causes pain, but not that my tension was caused by fear. The tension was actually the contractions themselves - in much the same way as if I were getting a very painful massage. Can you make your muscles relax while that is going on? Personally, my muscles tense up involuntarily.
The bathtub was my savior though. The hot water meant I could actually relax my muscles right at the peak of a contraction.
Unfortunately, because the baby’s heart was racing, the midwife made me come out of the bath, believing the temperature of the water was causing it. And then, because I found it impossible to relax on dry land, I had an epidural (at 5cm dilated).
Although I had been aiming for a natural birth, I found the epidural fantastic. My anesthetist was very skillful. I could walk around and also feel the urge to urinate. I could feel my contractions as strong period pains. I could sleep.
I cannot even imagine being able to sleep without the epidural (I couldn’t even sit or lie still - except in the bath). So if you ask me, a big advantage to getting an epidural is that it allows you to rest during the hours when you are dilating.
I dilated to 8cm. Then, my doctor advised an emergency cesarean because of tachycardia - the baby’s heart rate was too high. She also hadn’t descended. I was disappointed not to be able to put my Epi-No training into practice, but when my daughter turned out to weigh 9lb 8oz, I was relieved to have had a cesarean!
The cesarean was not the least traumatic. The recovery was a breeze. The scar doesn’t show. Even though it wasn’t the way I dreamed it, my birthing experience was still magical. I started sobbing as soon as I heard my baby’s first cry. And she scored 9 on the Apgar, and 10 two minutes later.