shall I buy the program?

:smiley: hallo everybody, I’m a happy mother to Sofia and Angelica, twins of almost 30 months, we are italian, but I’ve always found some time to speak english to the girls. Now they have a pretty good vocabulary and a better accent than mom having used lots of flash cards to teach them and original videos for the songs they regularly listen to. I’d like to start the reading program but I’, lost in your web site! I do not understand weather I should buy the program and the book or I should download it for free, I’ve read the ‘everithing you need to now about teaching your baby to read’, what shall I do next?? Is it ok for my twins to do it together? Is it too late?
Thank you for your answer

Hello,and welcome!
Firstly yes you can teach both twins together and it’s not too late. To get started up the top of this page on the right there is a button that says TRIAL if you push that button you can download a free trial,of the little reader program. Then if your children like it you can buy it from the button that says SHOP.
Hope that helps :slight_smile: