several videos about montessori play activities for young children

I have also uploaded a lot of the videos to our video gallery.

Awesome site nhockaday! Many thanks. :slight_smile:


A sincere thank you for sharing this site. I’ve been curious about the montessori methods for sometime now. Several of my neighbors are sending their young toddlers to the montessori school and love it. While it’s been tempting for me to also send my son (since all our children are basically the same age), I really want to be the one teaching him right now. I’m enjoying the videos and the lessons.

ooh very cool thanks a lot

Hey these are amazing
thanks a lot for sharing these.
this gives me confidence that I have put my daughter in the right educational path.

Thanks for sharing.

thanks you very much it is interesting


For disclosing interesting site.

Just what I was looking for. Thanks! I can use these ideas.