Sentences in books

I spent all afternoon preparing word strips so that we can start our reading program tomorrow. I think I have enough to get us through one month of single words. My hand is a little cramped but I feel so ahead :yes: I definetly want to stay ahead so next I will prepare the couplets and eventually the sentences and books.

I am wondering about the sentences in books though. In the books, once we get to longer sentences, is it ok to let the sentences run on two lines? For expample…

The dog ate
my homework.

Or does it need to be like this…

The dog ate my homework.

I know that’s not a super long sentence but, I hope you get the idea.


I am pretty sure it is fine to let the sentences run on to the next line as this is what happens eventually with any long sentence in a normal book whether you make it or buy it. It is part of learning to read that words flow from left to right and from top to bottom so it is probably a good idea to have at least some pages where the sentences do run onto the next line.

Sounds like you have been busy doing a good job. It definitely helps to stay ahead - I am still on the single word stage, but suspect I’ll be doing couplets by the end of the month. Good luck with the reading program.

Splitting up sentences or phrases into lines is something that children will have to get used to sooner or later, so better sooner than later! Just make sure you point to the words as you are reading out the words so your child will know what the ‘rule’ is in terms of how a sentence continues on the next line after reaching the end of the page.
