Self Employment- Hosting Early Learning Workshops

There is a lady in my community called “The Coupon Consultant” who regularly hosts coupon-ing workshops at local libraries, churches, etc. She teaches you how to get the most bang for your buck at the grocery store. I have not personally attended (but dear friends of mine have) but I understand the basic premise about combining coupons with sale items, taking advantage of rebates, double coupons, etc. I was practicing this type of shopping for a while but I stopped because I wanted to streamline the chemical and preservative type foods that I brought into the house (free “junk food” is still junk food!) and 2, because now I spend all my time teaching my kids, preparing materials, researching early learning online,etc. Anyway, I digress.

So I started thinking, what if I started hosting early learning workshops just like this lady hosts coupon-ing workshops? She used to charge $40 per person but brought her fee down to $20. I am thinking $25-30 per person would be a fair price to attend an Early Learning Workshop. I think it would be difficult to get my name out there, but maybe once I got started business might pick up by word of mouth. The start up costs would be relatively low, except for advertising should I chose to do any that costs. Really, all I can think of is printing costs for informational packets/handbooks. I was thinking about holding it at the library and doing a power point presentation with video examples.

I was formerly in the travel business before I had children. Among other career paths I have taken, I was previously a successful travel professional working for a large company, I just didn’t make it on my own. I started up my own business but had a difficult time getting clients and had two babies within two years, I have no quiet place to sit on the phone, make calls, etc, plus the economy has just started going south, so I closed down my business and took a loss. That experience has made me leery of starting a new venture but I think this would be something I would really enjoy.

However, if I decided to go ahead and give this a whirl, I could try and host one workshop once a month or every few months, depending on however many people were interested.

So, my question to you is, what information would you include in an Early Learning Workshop?

Offhand, I think I would highlight:

-Basic Doman history, methods, philosophy (breakdown physical, math, and reading)
-Early Learning Pro/Con (to address both sides of the coin and possible questions/objections)
-Provide a list of resources including books, websites, software/DVD resources, including LR/LM demonstration (including some FREE resources)
-Shows some awesome clips of BK kids reading in the intro, including my own sweet DD of course :slight_smile:
-Helpful How To’s to create materials at home
-Tips to be successful in integrating early learning into your current lifestyle (building routines, opportunities to create teachable moments, audio learning in the car, bringing along flashcards in the diaper bag while you are waiting in line somewhere, etc, etc)

  • Various methods of delivery and what/where to purchase locally to contribute to early learning success (tv/ computer vs. old fashioned flashcards, free powerpoint for EK, where to buy reusable dry erase flashcards, where the teacher stores are and helpful items you can purchase there, where to find the best laminate at walmart, etc)
    -The best local early learning classes (music, language, EK, etc)
    -Touch on Montessori philosophies because I am a big fan of that too, I prefer to blend Doman/Montessori as much as I can
    -Baby Signing
    -Avoiding pseudo-educational products

There is a lot of material purchase involved for me personally when teaching my kids, but there are ways to minimize that (like reusable flashcards, etc) so I want to share that too. I don’t want to the whole thing to become a sales pitch. There are just so many great products out there worth sharing.

This was really off the top of my head, so excuse my brain dump. I was just looking for some feedback on this idea- what do you think?

To be honest I have been trying to think of ways to do something along the lines of what you are saying… I was thinking more of a bi weekly play class where the materials are organized and set for working parents…

I have noticed that stay at home moms that dont teach now are somewhat leary and think your a freak a lot of the times when you get into early learning… the working mothers what to do more and dont find the time… hence I was thinking of targeting the latter…

Yes, there is a stigma to get past. But, everyone hates on the pretty cheerleader because they secretly are jealous. lol Ok, bad analogy. What I mean is, the other parents may very well be jealous of your baby/toddler reading while they list a hundred reasons why they “shouldn’t”…but they’d love it if their kid was a an early reader too. If a parent was willing pay $$ to HEAR what I had to say, then I would hope they would be open to those non-mainstream ideas.The trick would be finding those parents that are willing to pay and hear. The naysayers would scoff at the idea and never attend in a million years.

And no, I do not know the answer to get past that stigma!

I think it’s a fantastic idea.

There are many of us who would like to have someone nearby with more experience than ourselves to guide us or get us started, give it to us all in a nutshell, if you could combine it with offering resources all the better without necessarily trying to sell them.

Would have loved to do a Doman course but they don’t come any where near me :frowning:

Every year more parents begin early education, perhaps we’ll find the stigma is beginning to take care of itself. I think you’ll find plenty of people interested enough in the beginning for what you’d be ready to cope with. That way you can start smaller and build up.

Maybe even eventually franchise it :wink:

Good luck with it

geniusqarissa has started something along these lines in her country…you should PM her.

I think the idea is very good. Not all moms have the time to search for information on internet or participate in this forum. I agree that specially working moms as Mandi says are your target but maybe your session will have to be saturday. Or who knows, as you say, some not working moms react adversley because they are ‘not informed’.

I am thinking about something similar in the sense of sharing all that i have learn through this forum but not directly with the moms but taking care of babies of working moms. It is only an idea. My reasoning is: If I will want to be with my grandchild when my daughter starts working after birth, why not take care of 2 more babies? But there is a ‘small’ problem, I have a company with my husband and for know he is not willing to let me go. So i have to look for a partner and start half time.

Sorry for mentioning this on your thread but the main idea is the same: share what we learn and if we can earn a little, why not?
I have to confess that even without being paid i would enjoy that work (caring for babies and watching them develop a love for reading and languages).

It is a good idea. I am a working mom and have hard time keeping up with the schedule. I have thought about this idea and so much wished that my child care provider does this . You can see if day care providers will be interested in getting the training. They can advertise that they will provide early learning to kids if their parents are interested. It only takes 15 to 30mins a day. Since kids are there all day it’s easier for them to do it. They can play classical music at nap times etc.

If you decide to start the program you can do a practice session online and we will give you feedback ;o)

Good Luck.

Hi L&O’s Mom,

I like your idea!

In our city we have a facility that is to be a support to all types of parents - regardless of economic background (not just for financially strapped single parents). Their classes and drop-ins are frequented by many, many people. I’m wondering if you have one in your city and if you could ask if you could hold a session or two there first (likely volunteered). I’m imagining that it would take a bit to get your name out there and have it be respected - ie. that they know you’re worth coming to listen to as you truly are educated in the field. I, personally, appreciate knowing about the credentials of the person I am paying to listen to or, at least, come on the recommendation of a friend. This way, when you go out into the “real world” you could have some comments and referrals written on the bottom of your posters/ads.

Also, available childcare can make or break it for a parent. If you can hold a class where there is a nursery/play area (church, daycare centre on an “off” day, parenting centre, etc.) you may open up the opportunity to more people. Of course, you’d gave to pay for your babysitters…but it could be easy - ie, put in a Monki See or YBCR dvd :slight_smile:

Even knowing what I know now - which is frankly a whole lot more than when my son was born, thanks to BrillKids - I’d still come to hear you. I think that as early educators we have a thirst, if you will, to hear and learn about how to teach our kids the most we can in the short time we have the window!

Hi All,

I’m so sorry for the late reply… I’m quite bz lately with my new company launching last week… and this week I’m going for a holiday in Bali, release n rejuvanate myself before starting my class… :slight_smile: I received 2 emels from BK members about this learning workshop. Thanks to Nikita for the information about me at this link …:slight_smile:

yeah guys … I’m starting my own company on ECE - Genius Baby On Board @ Puchong M’sia.

Here in GBOB, I provide courses for parents & babies / Kids. For parents, i do seminar / workshop on ECE. There will be few tittles, but at this moment, i start with 1 seminar and 1 workshop. The seminar will talk about ECE , all about ECE that you need to know - What is it, why it is important for us to start as early as we can, to give the max before our baby reach 3 years, the baby brain anology, the right brain method, what kind of stimulation u can do when your baby born and so on…It is important that parents know about this fact & figures before they come to my workshop so that they know why they want to teach early or else they will just follow others, not because they want to …:frowning:

as for the workshop, it will take full day whereby we will do lots & lots of hands on activity, focusing on what type of stimulation we can do with our child daily, role play, baby signing, teaching baby how to read, what kind of material u can use at home or while travel, discussion among parents & lots more.

for babies/kids programme, we are going to do a playgroup session from - 4 years, music & learn by art program…:slight_smile:

for future, we r planning to meet mother who have special babies in our centre, just chit chat,n talk on the best stimulation we can provide to their special babies, changing ideas and socialising, give moral support to them.its a social service n this is one of our way to give back to the community…:slight_smile: btw, did i mention or maybe some of the forummers notice that my 2nd baby- Quzayra is a Symbrachydactyly baby - on her right hand, and we just found out after she was born…:slight_smile: no bone from middle forearm until fingers but still alive n kicking! :slight_smile: rolling at 3 months, reading at 5 months n she just turn 6 months yesterday and try to crawl by pushing her feet n back…:slight_smile: ALLAH is GREAT right…:slight_smile:

i love to share n xchange ideas with all of u here, n this ECE thing always makes me happy n excited…maybe u can go tru my web n blog - but sorry, most of he entry is in malay… :confused: n sometimes mixed with english…i also have facebook fanpage for GBOB, i attach the link here ok… my seminar area n my kids zone area…just like home, cozy, cool, and happy to be around…:slight_smile:

my seminar area -
my kids zone area -
my launching day -

my personal blog n education blog is in my siggy.

thanks again for the enquiry…really appreciate it…

016 20 333 40

Hi, while you host the early education courses online, please make sure all is search engine friendly, else it is sooo difficult to promote offline.

Fantastic idea. Do you think there would be any copyright issues in just sharing the knowledge of Doman or Schichida or Montessori.

That is definitely something I considered. Or, if products such as babyplus were mention for prenatal stimulation and something came out wrong with the baby, would there be any legal issue on my end or only the manufacturer? Or the fact that some people use doman programs to help heal brain injuries, if that was mentioned could it possibly be twisted into a “treatment” for a medical disorder and I am not a doctor. See what I mean? Things like that. I certainly don’t want to get sued.

This is a really cool idea!! Let’s educate parents first and then kids…

Part of the question about copyright issues can be answered by KL I suppose.

nice idea! I will not attend because I am at the opposite side of globe :smiley:

I think you should include also the potential risks of early education. Too less positive emotions, exhibition of a child, testing, praising for intelligence etc, resulting in low selfconfidence etc - we discussed these things earlier.

You know, commercials work better if something negative is included. And also parents will definitely ask about this.

Just got into this thread and into another thing, maybe is useful for someone: a way to have your own online school

And you find some info about different systems alike in “How to Start Your Own Schools” articles on the same blog page:


Thanks for sharing your information on starting your own school

Hi, has anyone started their early learning workshop or found answers to the questions asked in previous posts?