
Does anyone here know anything about fever induced seizures? My 19 month old niece has been in the hospital for two days with these. They know they are fever induced but can’t find the cause of the fever. They even did a spinal tap to see if she has meningitis. Her parents are freaked out.
What causes them (i know they are fever induced, but I get fevers and they don’t cause seizures)?
How can they be prevented?
Will she always have them?

Please help! We don’t know what to do!

Sorry to hear that. Hope this site helps! :frowning:

I’m so sorry to hear that! I know it can be super scary. My daughter went through a phase of seizures when she was about one. They never really understood the cause but fevers were one of her triggers. I understood that everyone has a threshold for managing fevers or whatever else. Once your body reaches that max it goes into a seizure.

I hope she is doing ok and her parents.

My little girl is now almost 7 and has been seizure free, and off of all meds, for about 4 years. We are hoping it is something she has grown out of at this point. But it is something I always keep in the back of my mind every time she gets sick.

How scary. I have no experience with febrile seizures but it looks like there was some great info from the link that was posted. I hope your niece recovers soon.

She is feeling better now. They are still trying to figure out why her fever was so high. apparently, they can’t find the cause.

Anyway, I wanted to thank you all for your help! It was very scary, hopefully it doesn’t happen any more!