Seizures from illness in babies??

Hi everyone. I have just gotten out of hospital after my 13 month old daughter had a seizure while breastfeeding. The doctors thought it might be due to fever which she did not have. She then went on to have two more seizures in hospital each time I was breastfeeding. She had gastro the day prior to having the first seizure and after many tests which all came back clear the doctors decided that the gastro caused the seizures. I am just wondering if anyone else has had their baby have a seizure due to an illness. Now i am scared that this will happen whenever she gets sick as she has never been sick before. It would be nice to know just how common this is.

I’m so sorry this has happened, I know just how scary it is. :frowning:

When my daughter was 12 months old, and the day she received her MMR and chicken pox immunization, she had her first seizure. I was so scared! We ran several tests, which all came back normal. So they just said it must have been a febrile seizure. Nobody would say anything about the shots :tongue: I’m sure these started her whole seizure issue. Basically a febrile seizure is a seizure caused by a fever. My daughter waited about a month before having another seizure, but this time she was completley healthy. So we don’t (and still don’t) know why she was having seizures.

I was told that it is very common for children to have seizures while very young especially when sick and running a fever. Most will outgrow it by the time they are five.

Since my daughter had a couple of her seizures while well, they put her on seizure meds. These completley stopped her seizures, even when sick. When we tried to stop the meds when she was about three she had a seizure about three weeks later, so back on the meds she went. She’s now five, almost six, and has been off the meds for over a year and she has been seizure free even when sick. So, I’m hoping that she indeed did grow out of it. I do keep a close eye on her when she is sick though.

The thing we had to do with my daughter since having a fever (and being overtired) was a trigger for her, we had to give her tylenol and ibeprophin(sp?) every three hours at the first sign of a fever. This insured that her fever didn’t get the chance to spike.

Unfortunateley, I do think this is commom, although it doesn’t feel very common when it is your own baby!

I hope your little princess is feeling better. I think the ER visits are just as traumatic as the seizure. :frowning: