second language

Hello Members,

I am new member of the forum. I need assistance of yours, i just want to know from all the parents who have years of experience in upbringing their kids, as to what is the proper stage, when one can introduce the child with second language.

Hope some of these help

You can start a second language from birth!!

My son started his second language at 6 months and then a third language around 18 months - the two he had before he was 1 year old are his best languages, but he’s quickly picking up his third, as well.

I don’t think it’s ever too early (or too late, for that matter).

Good luck!!


Do you already speak the other languages that your son has learned?
I am going to start teaching my son (almost 6 months) 2 languages other than English.
I am not sure how effective this will be as I will not be able to converse with him fluently in the other languages (I do not speak a second language).
Although I really do want to expose him to other languages at this important time.
What has been your experience with teaching your son?


We have a Spanish nanny come 1-day a week (used to be 2 days) and she talks with him exclusively in Spanish (that’s all she knows).

We’re really blessed because we live in Texas and there are a TON of Spanish-speaking individuals. We can’t go to the grocery store or park without meeting someone who’s speaking Spanish, and Timothy will use the appropriate language (English or Spanish) to talk to the child/adult. Plus, we watch Spanish sesame street, listen to Spanish songs. I know enough Spanish to get by and my dad is relatively fluent, but most of his exposure has been through the nanny and media.

His third language is Chinese. We first did Chinese CDs and the BBC course Muzzy program (which was wonderful). I learned at least 30 words in Chinese, so you can imagine how much more a two-year-old would learn from the program. Then, we had a foreign exchange student come and live with us for the year and he is from China. He is a wonderful student, and we love how he shares his culture (and language) with us. We also just bought Disney DVDs in Chinese to watch to reinforce the the language.

So, no…I’m really not “fluent” in anything other than English…but that doesn’t mean my child can’t be.