Scripture passage ideas?

For those of you who are teaching scripture to your child do you have suggestions or resources for age and length appropriate passages to teach (other than the bible itself of course). As a child the passages I was taught were soo long (several pages at times), just to long for a boy my son’s age (and the content is not right for his age group either) I was wondering if you all just choose favorite passages for memorization or if you had a resource of appropriate passages.

We’ve used several books. When we were wanting shorter passages, it usually meant we were doing a topical study. So the following books have Bible verses that go with a topic that is studied.

Leading Little Ones to God by Marian M. Schoolland is an oldie but goodie. It has 86 short lessons covering topics like: God is Very Great, Sin Spoiled the World, What Jesus Did, How We Become Children of God, About God’s Church … Each lesson also gives questions to ask the child, a memory verse, suggested Bible reading, a hymn (just the lyrics) and a prayer. The only downside is that there aren’t lots of pictures. But if your little one is used to listening to stories, it would be fine.

A Faith to Grow On by John MacArthur has about 80 lessons very short lessons that cover the basic doctrines (God, Creation, Sin, Bible, Jesus, Forgiveness …). Each lesson has a suggested activity to go along with the lesson, a verse (or two) that the child could memorize (some are a few verses long, so you might have to choose a shorter section of it), a prayer starter, an application question and a word scramble puzzle (which we skipped with the children weren’t reading or writing yet)

Sword Fighting by Karyn Henley is a 52 week devotional that centers around character building. It is centered around a memory verse and also has aplication games to help cement the principle. It says it is geared towrad elementary students, but my younger ones weren’t in school yet when they used it.

We’ve also gone through the AWANA program that has kids memorizing lots of verses. (The program itself includes a kid level Bible study and a game time.) They start with partial verses in the 2 years of pre-K (I think it is 3 & 4 year olds), then move to whole verses. I’m not sure they sell just the books, but there might be a church near you that can show you what they use. The website has a “Find Awana in your area” button. They also have music CDs that go with the verses to help the children memorize the verses.

The other thing my boys liked was Steve Green’s Hide Em in your Heart CDs. I think he has 2 volumes. It is scripture put to music with a little commentary to help them apply the verse.

I’m sure I’d be able to come up with more :happy: but I should probably stop there. :laugh:

Thank you so much I have heard of the leading little ones to god before, but hadn’t looked too much into the specifics. I think I’ll check out the other ideas too. Thanks, and karma to you!

This link has a nice set of Bible verses to memorize for the little ones. The booklets have cute little lamb pictures, stickers… and it’s simplified and large print so the kids can read them.

forgot to say, I use them and kids like them a lot. I have a CD that goes along, but couldn’t find it on their page.

We memorize some chapters too and start with Psalm23, The Lord’s prayer, Psalm 100 and Psalm 150. I know songs for those Psalms and can upload mp3 if you are interested.
Nadia :smiley:

Thanks Nadia for the link! I hadn’t seen that one before. And I was noticing that the words were on one page, and the pictures of another (although the pictures come first). I know that some people were looking for books with relatively big print and with pictures on a seperate page. :slight_smile:

Here is another link for the same set with CD
They have other kid’s devotionals: posters, books…

I use this books and kids like learning verses that way a lot.Especially now when I’ve put them in Little Reader with voice and maching songs I’ve even uploaded some but had second thots about copy rights.At the same links you’ll find very nice kids Bible songs.