Science Fairs?

Anyone doing science fairs? This is the second science fair for my son (age 11) and the first for my daughter (age 6). My son originally wanted to determine the effect of positive and negative attention on mold growth. He was going to talk nice to one mold colony, talk mean to another colony, and ignore the control group. Then he decided that he couldn’t bear being mean. Next he decided that he would see if magnetism would have any effect on mold growth. He postulated that most living things have iron, so magnetism should have an effect. Now of course we are having trouble growing mold. Also our science fair prohibits experiments using mold but it isn’t deterring my son from continuing his project. Thirdly he is also experimenting with the effects of magnetism on growing bean and radish seeds. This project is not as interesting but will meet science fair approval. My daughter wanted to figure out the smallest thing in the universe. Of course we can’t do that so she is settling on “mixing things.” So I had her make predictions about which juice would produce the most gas when mixed with baking soda. Her experiment was too easy so we might think of ways to add another dimension to it before the fair. Anyone else out there with science fair mania in their home?


Wow Lori that’s great. My kids would love to do this type of stuff regularly. I am afraid I am not as open minded about leaving science experiments about the house as I would like to be. Gee they do make a mess! Interestingly I let my kids paint inside, use playdough, goop and any number of other messy things but the mess is always away by dinner. Unlike the science project mess which lasts weeks!
My kids do enjoy making little habitats ( usually with my good baking dish… :frowning: ) and will have a go at mixing any thing with water to see what happens.
I am inspired by your post to be more open to the mess and set up a little area in their toy room for this type of thing. We never seem to have any trouble growing mould here…high humidity means the bread only lasts a couple of days before we get either green or white mould on it. ( never both colours I just realised…)
Keep it up :slight_smile: