Schools For Early Learning

I need the advice of the forum regarding Early Learning Schools for Babies. Your insight would be very valuable.

My problem is that my grandson Chanze does not like the way I teach him, because he’s not grasping on how to read! I don’t think I’m teaching him the right way. He’s now 15 1/2 months and I’m getting a bit nervous! Would like to know about Daycares or Schools that can teach my grandson. I live in Queens, NY in the town of Laurelton.

I am anxious to here back from the forum and what you recommend. :mad: :confused:

have you looked at little reader or any of the leap frog phonics videos? both helped my child quite a bit… especially the leap frog.
i would just keep reading to him, making sure you run your finger under the words as you read aloud. to mix it up, i might go to the library and check out about 15 board books, go through them once or twice and then get a new batch in a week or so. he might just be bored with the material.
i had luck buying board book lots on ebay, purchasing 75 board book in good condition for $10 plus shipping. i wiped them down when they came and they have been serving us well. we’re reading for the next 75!
the fact that you care enough to read to him and are searching for new ways to teach tells me you are a wonderful care giver and are on the right path. just keep going!
good luck to you and please let us know of your progress,
the doc :clown:

Hi Doc,

When did you start showing your little one to Leap Frog?
I saw Leap Frog at Sam’s a couple months ago but didn’t get it thinking that my son was too young for it. :wub:

oh no! i started her at 13 months and she knows all of her letters and understands long and short vowels as well as blends like ST and is beginning to get the silent E and she is just 17 months!! if you look up leap frog on this site you will see videos of even younger babies identifying letters and their sounds. i would do that ASAP. usually has them at a discount. once he knows his letters (after a few months) i would check out jones geniuses
as you know, there are 44 sounds int he english language and he teaches them all. we are doing it now (as well as the math) and she is getting it. i highly recommend that when he is ready. like at 2. the great thing about that program is you can talk to him (dr. jones) directly and take a class weekly to help you fine tune your teaching skills, which is what you were writing about in the first place. i can’t recommend that program highly enough!
good luck!
the doc :clown:


Thanks for the info and karma to you…

I felt so guilty after reading your post that I immediately search the web for Leap Frog and found it at Barnes & Noble for a great deal for the 3 disc set at $14.99 (regular price $29.99). :yes: I’ve purchased the 3 disc set and to save on shipping I’ve also purchased Word Caper and Learn to Read. I don’t think this deal will be around for long, so if anyone else is interested in Leap Frog here’s the links to it;