Scholarship Program?

Anyone here get the Brill little reader program on a scholarship?? My daughter has Down Syndrome. I heard this was the best reading program but it’s pricey for our family.

I would like to learn about it too. My son has Down Syndrome.

Visit the gray “FOUNDATION” tab above to read more about applying for individual sponsorships or grants for schools and orphanages, noting if your child has any special needs. We kindly ask that members who have been selected as sponsorship recipients to please maintain discretion in regards to sharing their specific award details. Applications are reviewed solely on a case by case basis. Thank you!

Thank you for pointing them to the right info TmT! :happy:

That’s very decent of BrillKids to have such a program. Thank you.

I also wanted to add that sometimes BrillKids run contests on private blogs to win a license. This is how we got ours (thanks!). It’s basically a lottery. You have to enter on the blog and usually the only requirement is that you follow the blog (and they are usually interesting anyway) and write 25 words or so statement on why you’d like to have it. So, if you don’t qualify for Foundation programs, this is another way to get a free license. The contests are usually announced on BrillKids forum. Good luck!

I blogged about the discount here:

This blogpost also contains a link to my recent review & the Little Reader giveaway that I am doing this week.

Good luck! You will love the program! :smiley:

Does the scholarship program applies to the families who fall under low income category? We don’t fall under low income group. My son has Down syndrome. Can we get discounts for the program? Any one please reply.

I’m probably not the most qualified to answer this, but I think the criteria are a Little different for kids with special needs. I have talked to several people who have applied & they were all very happy. It certainly doesn’t hurt to apply & see what happens.

 Thank you so much for making this topic clear.
 I am looking forward to my little girl with DS to start on this program. I know she ia a smart pants but she just does not like flash cards that much and she LOVES our computer.

We do have MAc and I have just found out that I won't be able to use our free download because it won't install. So... I am trying to find out more, but if we get the sponsorship we may get a cheap windows just for this.


If you click “Search” on the grey bar above and type in “Mac” you’ll pull up some threads that discuss users installing parallels or similar programs to use LR on their Mac.

Best of luck!

TmT, I sure appreciate your holding my hand in this because I am not only slow with computers but also usually too tired when I sit down to finally get something done about it.
Thanks a million!!

No problem at all, if you get stuck please ask for help! Although I cannot personally help you with using LR on a Mac, there are people on the forum who have and those would be the best to ask for advice.

Also, I came across this site if you prefer to just buy another computer specifically to install “kid” programs on (that’s what we did with my old laptop when I replaced it.) I know nothing about the quality of what they offer in terms of speed, etc, but I thought I’d pass it on.

Hey, thanks again!!!

Grandma is coming over (USA) from Spain in a couple of weeks and she says she will chip in for the computer.
I am so excited about this!!! even when I haven’t even been able to run the trial I just feel this is right for Leyla.
Love, Light and Laughter.

Great news, LoveLightLaughter!

Cant wait to hear the highlights of your learning journey with your little one. I personally so excited for you!

How exciting! Tell Grandma to only speak to Leyla in Spanish, it’s excellent for brain building! And use LR to teach her to read in Spanish too. :slight_smile: