Schedule for a 9 Month Old?

I was wondering what a good schedule is for a 9 month old baby? Right now we watch YBCR every day, and I read lots of books, look at some flashcards, and do a few red dot math cards. Could you tell me what you all did at this age? I have LOTS of time and she LOVES to learn, including looking at flashcards. Is it detrimental at all to look at lots of different cards every day or should I only show her a few one day and a few the next? And should I teach any type of EK at this age? I also let her watch Brainy Baby French a few times a week, and speak some French to her. (English is our main language.) I just don’t know what to do with her!
I will be homeschooling her so I want to start a good schedule now.
By the way, I have done alot of physical exercises and she sat up unsupported at 4 1/2 months, crawled at 5 months, and took her first few steps at 8 months 10 days. (Christmas day!) She also says 4 words. I’m so proud of her!

Hi Tattooedmommy,
wow, she walk n talk very early :slight_smile:

Make sure you give her access to stairs so she learns how to climb them by crawling, and she’ll quickly be able to walk up and downstairs.
Keep up with the crawling if you can because they tend to stop completely once they walk.

If she’s receptive with books, flashcards etc… you should change your material very often because she must be learning quite a lot… That’s great! My daughter did not want anything with flashcards/LR etc (even books!) until she was around 13m… :blink:

I know this is something I posted months ago, but I just wanted to give an update. I purchased LR and LM and have started flashcards also. Thanks for mentioning about her being bored because she knows all the movies already, (YBCR) because I realized you’re absolutely right!
I just wanted to let all of you know that I started a list of words that she says a week ago, (She’ll be 1 in 5 days) and so far I have FIFTY WORDS that she says! I’m so amazed and shocked, and it’s great to finally see her soaking it all up. She is constantly pointing at things to know what they are, and then she’ll try to repeat the word that I say. The funniest was her trying to say ‘Cherokee’ our neighbor’s horse. She must have tried to say it 10 times and just couldn’t spit it out. And she can even sat ‘bellybutton’ which is 4 syllables! I read in MY baby book that my mom was impressed when I said ‘banana’ when I was two. Haha!
Thanks for everyone’s posts to all my questions, and all the support. I love this forum!

She is talking early, I bet your proud. As for a schedule: I didn’t start doing real educational methods until a couple of months ago. I have a 2 1/2 yo and a 6 mo. I taught my oldest shapes, colors, letters, letter sounds and some encyclopedic knowledge when she was younger. But I didn’t realize until recently how much they can actualy grasp at such a young age.
But now we are doing YBCR every day, tweedlewink every day, and I do the doman math method with my oldest. I also try to do as much sign language as I can throughout the day. But I’m still learning too. Lol. So we really don’t have a sevschedule. I just try to make sure I do all of these every day. And do whatever other activities I think of for fun learning. But I don’t stress if we end up being too busy and miss something one day.
I am proud to say my oldest can now read more than 50 words. And she is starting to incorporate some phonics. I bet she can read more, cuz our house is labeled and I haven’t included those in the words she can read. I can’t wait to see my youngest is at this age. GL