Santa Claus

My apologies if this has been asked to death here.

I got Glenn Doman’s EK book last night and finished it early this morning. In it, he says to never lie to your child because if you tell them something that isn’t true, it will undermine the entire foundation we’re building up where the parent is the (trustworthy all-knower) and the child is the learner.

Immediately I began thinking about Santa Claus, because I’m pretty sure that if a parent never implied or lied and said he was real that kids would view him as a story book character than a real person that comes to your house with presents.
In other words, believing in Santa is strictly a result of the parents deceiving their children. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Having said that, I remember what it was like to believe in Santa: Lying in bed in the middle of the night listening for reindeer, waking up early in the morning to discover the surprises, Christmas became a magical time unlike any other.

I’m pretty sure it’s these fond memories that cause us to want to perpetuate the myth with our own children.

So I’m asking for your opinion here. If you chose NOT to lie, I’d like to know how that has worked. If you chose to lie, I’d like to know how that has worked. There will be no right or wrong here, I just want to understand the pros and cons of the situation and your observations to make up my own mind.

Thank you!

I dont see the problem Santa claus IS real! He must be because my mum and dad never told me other wise and he still leaves presents under our tree! :yes: :yes: :yes:
There is a case for let kids be kids. Also if you really are worried about lying then go looking for story books on saint nic (yes the santa story did come from a real situation) and read them then just say “santa has changed over the years” and be mysterious :slight_smile:
I dont think any less of my parents. I dont trust them any less and I am certainly thankful they allowed me to believe in santa. Santa Rocks! :biggrin:

looks like this topic comes up every year :slight_smile:

here some links with the previous discussions about Santa:

I really appreciate the links.

I feel like my questions/issues are being resolved. Thanks much