Sanskrit Language Effect on baby Mind?


I heard that sanskrit language is having very positive effect on child brain development.
Can somebody please let us know how sanskrit language effect the baby mind ?


I have never heard of this, I’ve never heard of Sanskrit benefitting any brain development though I dont think it would’ve crossed my mind in 100 years to even search for something like this.

NewMom27, do you have any links about this that I could check into?


You can check out the link below:

You can fine more info on internet i beleive. I didnt get much time to research on it.
If you get some info please pass on.


That seems to be the only link or article on the matter from my brief search. When I searched “sanskrit effect on mind” this thread was the top link, so…yeah… :dry:

I wouldn’t put too much effort into this unless you speak, read, write Sanskrit already. There are many things you could do to help brain development and bond with your baby without using Sanskrit. I’m not saying that this isn’t true, just that I would pick my teaching philosophy, prioritize my subjects, and begin with a small routine that we could do daily.

5 words
3 numbers
20 minutes of constant talking to the baby
1-2 story books

find a way to build that into your day, keep educational dvd’s on hand so that when your baby watches TV it isn’t junk TV, and when you are able to be with your baby, BE THERE. Not on this forum, not in a magazine article, not at the supermarket fretting over one thing or another…be with your baby.

Talk to baby, tell them how you feel, what you’re looking for in the store, the price of the broccoli, what a price is, what you want to do tomorrow, that you love the baby, etc…respond to their cooing and try to resist the “googy-ga-ga!” baby talk!

Relax, if you’re stressing or worrying about this infant education gig already then you’re doing it ALL wrong! Baby and moma should be happy.

Yes,I have heard about it .
Just googled more and found this:

Conincidentally I have a audio CD just bought few weeks back from a store which has sanskrit mantras for stimulating brain power.

Can you please let us know what mantras that CD contains like Gayatri mantra etc…

I have been lurking a lot on this forum but I just had to comment on this topic.
I have studied Sanskrit in school and junior college. About 99 % of our prayers are in this language we say a few selected prayers everyday.
While I think this has a calming effect on all of the family members, I do not see how it would have the same effect for someone not familiar with the language. Saying “om” and saying the mantras are 2 different things , IMHO. I used to listen to a special mixed CD called garbha Sanskar when I was expecting but that was again for the calming nature of the mantra’s as well as baby development.
There are too many Cd’s DVD’s, studies on baby development/early education I would not stress about this if you are not familiar with the language. Just relax and enjoy methods which are easy for you to follow on a long term basis.