Safe you tube browsing?

My DS has become an expert with the ipad… he downloads his own you tube videos and this is causing me much anxiety. Any ideas on how i can monitor and control what he is viewing. What i have done so far is

  1. enabled the parental lock for safari but i did not do this for you tube because i still want him to access his videos
  2. tried the tinyTubes app but found it irritating because all it does is create a favourite list of 25 videos
  3. removed the you tube completely ( has to deal with a very upset child)
  4. i am now contemplating using the Mobicip app that suppose to filter according to age and with the premium package have a time limit to it . Has anyone used this app or anything else that on their ipad to monitor and control what the little ones watch.


Umm… would this help?

I like this app alot. There are lots of parent control features but even without additional controls it only shows learning youtube videos.

Correction you have to put on the parental controls and enable a passcode to access the navigation. You dont want him to have access to the navigation so enabling parental controls is important. However the kids area only has educational videos and you can make this the only area they have access to with the parental controls. You can also put in place a time limit. The kids area is nicely organized too.

The coolest feature is you can add playlists already made on youtube, so I was able to find all my playlists and add them by typing my YouTube channel name, pushplaylearning (all one word).

This is very useful because my son loves watching youtube videos lately. I haven’t been concerned yet because I’m always nearby him when he plays the ipad and he only gets 20 minutes, but I’d like to start thinking about this. Plus, I need to make him an account to save his favorite ones too so that I don’t have to search for them all the time.

I am not sure about youtube specifically. But there is a good application for iPad, that allows you to limit child’s browsing to specific websites that you approve.

Sandbox is a web browser for iOS devices (It’s a Universal app for both iPad and iPhone or iPod Touch) that restricts users to a predefined list of allowed websites (called a “whitelist”). Sandbox is a great solution for a variety of settings in which users should only be browsing specified sites.

I have not tried it mysefl, but I heard good reviews and I believe it was free yesterday, possibly today as well.

Hope it is helpful