running a race..

Hey there,
I am going to run a 5 miles race this weekend! I usually work out(running every other day for 45 minutes). It is being a long time since I run a race…any suggestion for being in an excellent shape before the day cames… I have five days left? what about diet or so?
Thanks… I am really excited My husband and my little girl will be there cheering for mommy! :yes:

Running any race is a big achievement, so congratulations in advance! I ran 8 marathons before baby (actual marathons are 26.3 miles), and for a 5 miler, I would rest for the next few days, save for a 30 min run a couple of days prior. Don’t wear any new, and don’t eat anything unusual the day of or until then. So save the cool tee-shirt for dinner that night after the race:) Good luck!

Thanks for the great tips!! I am pretty excited…yesterday I got a bad cold… I am trying to get over it asap… :mellow:

Oooh! Good luck on the race PY! :happy: I’m sure you’ll have a blast!

I’ve had my share of marathons (to date I’ve completed 4 at 26.3 miles, too) and I agree with everything Rivka said. I usually worked on my endurance for weeks prior to the race to check if I can keep the pace I wanted to without getting winded, and a few days before the actual date I make sure I get enough rest because the last thing you want is to tire yourself before the run.

And I totally agree on “not wearing anything new.” lol Seriously, running with a wedgie because of a pair of fantastic-looking new shorts is SO not worth it!

lol! Thank you for the great tips girls! I was planing in getting a new cute outfit before the race but you made me change my plan. :wink:
Anyways about the cold!! I still have it…I thought it was one of those who go away in three days(you know just runny nose and headache) but I guess I was wrong!! I keep crossing my fingers for tomorrow to feel better other ways I will be low energy for Saturday and not in a good shape!!! I can’t beleive I had to get sick just for this week!! :confused:

Unless you are feeling really, really bad, a cold should actually be helped by running 5 miles. Only fever and a respiratory infection that goes below the upper passages are contraindications. Studies have shown that running boosts natural killer cells and macrophages, which are immune cells that fight viruses (and tumor cells, in the case of the former). Only very long runs (like 26 miles) will slightly and temporarily depress your immune system. This is why moderate runners tend to get fewer colds and flus than the general population over time. see article at

So, a brisk 30 minute walk shoud really help, even if you don’t feel like it at the moment! :biggrin:

That’s right,Rivka!!
Thanks for bringing that up, actually you are right! I will keep getting ready for the race!

Good Luck preparing for your race PY!! I hope your cold goes away. LOTS of vitamin C I heard helps too!

Thank you waterdreamer!! Actually today I feel way better. I ill go for a short run later tonight when my husband can watch the kid for me once, we get off work.

Well let me tell you, the race was so much fun!! we were 7,100 women racing for the same cause “cancer” It was such an incredible day!! I felt like for once people was in the same place for the same reason…it was like everybody spoke the “same language” that day of the race.I could felt real Karma.
I will be there next year too!!
I made 5 miles in 40 minutes…next year I hope making it in 30 minutes. I did ok. I guess.
Thank you for the great tips evrybody!

Congrats PY!!! Great job

You did absolutely fantastic!! Congrats! :biggrin:

Good for you PY. Imagine if you would have been without the cold. Keep working for next race.

Thank you guys,
I will race in August so I am training for that! We will see how it goes, hopefully better! :biggrin: