Rosetta Stone

Hello Everyone

I am planning on purchasing Rosetta Stone is there any website or place where I could get it at a discount ?

Your help and input is much appreciated.



Try ebay or amazon. I got mine for free though. :slight_smile:

I’ve been thinking about starting a program from Rosetta Stone also. I know that some libraries carry the programs, however mine doesn’t.

I might do Rosetta Stone online where you pay a fee in order to access their site for 6 months or 12 months. For example this is their Arabic online access program:

I have also thought about doing their “homeschool” program where you pay 5 payments since it is so expensive.

Consider “Tell Me More” too, it’s cheaper and goes more in depth and much more interactive than Rosetta Stone. But I like both of them. Be sure to get the new version, it’s a significant improvement over the old one.

Thanks everyone - Good thoughts and Karma to all of you - will check my options I absolutely love the idea of joining a suscription online - that way I can evaluate the software before buying it (i didnt know about it) - I want to get chinese and arabic (also spanish for my husband)

Thanks a lot and Happy weekend for everyone


Hi all. Sheeberi. I have the Rosetta Stone demo which has the link to two units for free to all the languages. however I think it is kind of difficult for a little child to use. I have a 2 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old. How is this other program Tell me More that you mention, is it easier to use for little children?

Hello Mmetlich! Here’s the link of Tell Me More

No, I don’t think it’s design for very young kids just like Rosetta Stone. I’m using it for myself but if my babies sit on my lap

while I’m using it, I let them, but they get bored too easy so I don’t force them.

I’m US for 2 years and I’m learning using Roseta Stone, I know my pronunciation is not so good, and I still terrible to write but I try… hehe, I recomend you to bay all levels, they have a good discount.

This thread was started a couple of months ago, but I wanted to say something about purchasing Rosetta Stone. First of all, it really is the Cadillac of language learning programs! You get a lot for your money. Someone already mentioned that you get good discounts when you purchase more than one level at the same time… pricey, but saves you money in the long run. (If you get it and don’t like it, I do believe they have a full-refund return policy of some sort…?) Anyways, what I wanted to mention… I’ve got Rosetta Stone in two different languages and I purchased them each from two different sources. One from a homeschool supply place in Canada (to save some money on dollar exchange, import costs, shipping), and the next time I purchased directly from Rosetta Stone. They reason I did: with my first purchase we ended up with a big scratch on one of the CD’s and needed a replacement CD… somehow you can’t make a back-up copy of their CD’s in case of something like this happening… and so I phoned and they said that they will be happy to replace the CD; where did I buy it from? Well, not directly from them, so I needed to provide some proof of purchase naturally and so I had to phone the company I bought it from and ask for a copy of my receipt, and the company was in the middle of moving and their computer was in a different province!.. so wait, wait, wait… after some phone calls and faxes and all that, then I finally did get the free copy I needed and all is well again. Dealing with Rosetta Stone was great… they were fair to ask for some sort of proof of purchase since I didn’t buy it directly from them… it was all the rest that was the hassle.

The next time I did make the purchase directly from Rosetta Stone. Good company; good product. If you can afford it, buy it.

(I also don’t think it is suitable for a toddler yet… maybe somehow if Mommy or Daddy is doing it together with them, I don’t know… maybe start with other language learning methods when they are littler and add Rosetta Stone when they are older, like they are speaking and responding with answers a lot more… I’m no expert, try the free demos first and then decide if it will work for your child; you know your own child best, but I don’t see how I could possibly use it with my DS3 or DS(11mo)… maybe just to let them passively watch while I do the program with them sitting on my lap…?)

Hey, maybe someone has some experience adapting their use of Rosetta Stone for a younger child… let us all know! (Like I said, I already own 2 of the languages…'be great to use it for the younger kiddoes too!)

this is the first time I heard about Rosetta Stone…thanks for sharing! :wink: