Rosetta Stone Language Application


Have any of you used Rosetta Stone to teach your under 3 year old a language, I’m specifically thinking of teaching Japanese with Rosetta Stone.


I suppose it would depend on how well they are speaking, if they are reading, and if they can control the computer mouse.

I’m using it for my 4 yr old to reinforce Spanish that he uses at his immersion pre-school. At first I held him on my lap and had him point to the right answers while I clicked, but now he is off on his own and going through the program by himself. I still peer over his shoulder a bit to see his progression. I’m not sure how an under 3 yr old would do. I wasn’t even sure if my 4 yr old could use it. He’s had no reading experience in Spanish yet he is able to pick out the right answers - for example they will give you a choice like el, ella, ellas, ellos and he has to pick out the correct word that matches the picture. He’s done extremely well at this which has really surprised me. We are only a week into the program so I can’t speak for the program overall for that age group. It does seem to be a really good program, very in depth but it does require you to speak when prompted, to read a bit and use some motor skills with the mouse. I think that you could possibly skip sections that young ones might have a harder time with such as speaking or reading??

Thank you LDSMom, I used Rosetta stone long ago for Portuguese and wasn’t aware of the new features. It’s for my 1 year old and we’re planning on letting him sit with his dad while his dad points and repeats the phrases. It sounds like your boy is doing great on his own though, I’d love to hear how things are going after a couple of months.

I should add that we are using the homeschool curriculum. Not sure how that differs from the regular version, but it’s working well for us.

do you know rosetta stone totale option with online converstions? is that possible to do with a small child? (I saw that it is for homeschoolers up 13 in general…) I would like to make online lesson in japanese for my son he is 5 year old but he is able to use this stuff…is anyone trying it?

I am using the Rosetta Stone with my daughter. She is 2 years, 5 months old. I say “use it” loosely. :wink: Maybe once a week?? Sometimes more often. Sometimes less. But she has to sit on my lap and point to her choice. She retains amazingly well considering how inconsistently we use it!

I like the Rosetta Stone for language learning, just because it will actually teach you to speak the language well enough to converse with someone in that language. Most other methods used for teaching children only teach words/phrases/simple sentences.

I am several lessons ahead of my daughter, but she grasps it better and faster than I do. So if you are learning the same language with your child, they will probably be correcting your speech!! lol From my experience, yes, it does work with a young child; they just can’t do it on their own until they gain computer skills.

Also, one other observation I have with Rosetta Stone. If you use the testing section that tests your speech, it is almost impossible to pronounce with the same intonation that the national speaker used. Even if you speak with no accent, it isn’t exactly the same. I just use the other testing sections if I want to see how we are doing.