Rolling tummy to back?

Hey Guys!
Question? When do babies typically roll from their tummy to their back?
My little guy started at 2.5 weeks. Googling it apparently its more common for children to do this at 2-3months old. We did a lot of prenatal simulation. But I’m wondering if this is typical or not before I credit the prenatal stimulation.

Yay! That’s very early! Encourage it! I had one roll within days, one roll at three weeks and by the third I just assumed it would be early so didn’t make a note of it! Lol all were actively rolling when we went for our 6 week needles and one nurse scared the crap out of me by leaving her on the bed…alone! I just yelled " she rolls already!" and she got back their quick smart with a look of shock on her face! Lol
All of them then crawled and walked early too! :tongue:

I am curious what kind of prenatal stimulation did you do?

I did none at all. I don’t think the early rolling had anything to do with the in tummy time. I am small and my belly was very tight with all three kids. I put on very little weight and my babies were all very squashed inside. They gave up moving well before birth. I even had some trips to the hospital to make sure they were still alive because they stopped kicking.
I put the early rolling down to having lots of unrestricted time on the floor. On a good soft but solid surface. I was often lying on the floor with my babies and I always sat on the floor with them rather than the couch.
They also had cloth nappies most of the time which are bulkier, I don’t know if that helped or hindered though. I held them for feeding, stories, and time on the swing. ( yes I was a adult with my very own swing, it was a gift from a kind friend :smiley: ) but I think they got more floor time than most kids. I didn’t own one of those baby seats or bouncers

I used a product called Sound Beginnings to play Classical Music and foreign language to my little man.

I reviewed it on my blog here: