Rolling over

I have a question that many mothers may have. My daughter is a little over six months and refuses to roll over. She has done is at least twice that I know of, but does not like to be on her stomach. Her doctor said she was really advance in her stability for sitting on her own, but had no advice on the rolling over. I have made it a point from when she was little to make sure she had plenty of tummy time. Anyone have any advice? :huh:

I don’t have any advice, but I think rolling over as an important milestone is kind of going out of style because our babies sleep on their backs. If your baby has the strength to sit up, she definitely has the strength to roll over. Whether she actually does it or not regularly, I personally don’t think is very important as long as she has the strength. It may not be her thing. Just keep up the tummy time, I’m sure she’s fine.

I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it once she gets more mobile. Just keep letting her have tummy time.

My daughter is about your daughter’s age and she just started rolling over. She rolls over when I put her on her tummy and she wants to be on her back (ince her tummy is not her favorite position). From here she will only roll over into her tummy if there is something that she wants to grab. Maybe you can try to put her favorite toy or something that will catch her attention close to her (on the side), but far enough that she will have to strech to get it.