Robert's Perfect Pitch & Note Reading

Hi everyone! Here’s an update on my 27-month-old Robert who’s been learning on his own with Little Musician. After a couple of weeks of using LM, he has been partial to specific lessons - Solfege, Note Sounds, and the Solfege Songs. He would demand me to play them over and over, his enjoyment only waning after a full hour of repetition. Not long after, he had accurate recall of the notes upon hearing them and can read them on the staff.

The video below is my second time to test him. Since I mostly leave him to click by himself on the custom playlist I created, I didn’t have the chance to oversee him, correct him if necessary, or to develop a good ear on my own. The flashcards I used are screenshots of LM printed in grayscale to test if he can recognize notes not by relying on its colors but by its positions on the staff. I have zero musical background so any contructive criticism or advice would be very appreciated. :slight_smile: Thank you for watching!

Wow. He’s phenomenal! I don’t have any musical background either but that is very impressive! What a brilliant job! Can’t wait to see more of his progress.

Most impressive! Many congratulations, and thanks for posting this!

Thank you for the kind words Scruff and KL. :slight_smile: We’re planning to try Soft Mozart alongside with LM. He is playing some solfege notes on the piano now, hopefully SM would get us playing with both hands.

A huge thanks also to the many ideas we got from this forum especially from TmT. Cammie likes the colored dots on her fingers. :slight_smile: She’s now 5, has perfect pitch too but is just beginnning to play the piano.

KL, any plans on launching an tablet version for LM? That would be awesome!

I’m afraid we’re not going to see a tablet version of LMs or LM anytime soon. We’re flat out working on another (new) project which we hope to announce in a couple of months or so, which I think (hope!) many of you will find just as exciting as we do.

However, I do intend for all our stuff (including LMs) to be ‘tabletized’ one day though!

Wow! This new project is intruiging and exciting!

He is so cute! I love his little voice singing the notes.
I’m always so jealous when I see the videos others can post of their kids. My daughter is 24 mos and just will not do what you ask. Only people that know she can read are my husband, his mother, and my mother and sister. And only because they were around to see her pick up a card and read it or read a label off something. If you ask her, she just isn’t going to do it. (Marching, clapping, pointing to a number or word, pointing to the nose on a picture of a face, etc)
I’ve been very curious about her pitch development but I have no way of finding out what she knows or not. Sigh… Well at least I get to see videos and can fantasize about what she may know (even if she won’t share) Thanks again for posting! It was a real delight to watch.

Nadia, little Robert is pretty incredible!!

You mentioned that you made a custom playlist for him. Is there anyway you would upload that to share? My son is also so interested in music and the solfege things in particular and other than manually going through and playing some for him, I have not thought of making a playlist. And from your post, I think it would be a good idea. So, Before I start I was wondering if you would share yours?

Thank you for the kind words Corinne and juliguli. Re the custom playlists, I didn’t make them from scratch. I just modified the current categories to suit Robert’s preferences. For example, he likes the solfege to display as piano keys, the songs in notes, and some in note names. I pre-select his favorites using keyboard keys CTRL (hold while clicking several catergories) and set the override to auto-play. After he is done, he would just click the mouse to play them again. Hope this helps!

Corinne, I actually know how you feel! He has been anti-showmanship for a long time. Of course seeing the camera pointed at him also discourages him more. One exception is LM which he adores and shows-off without a care in the world. He actually praises himself if we fail to acknowledge his singing!

Things started to change (for reading) after he watched videos of other kids. He also gets competitive when his big sister performs.

Here’s some more videos of him showing perfect pitch. Just yesterday, I tested him on the black keys of the second octave without knowing that I have incorrectly placed three of the stickers. It was only when he correctly identified the notes that I knew I misplaced the labels! It dawned on me that he doesn’t rely on the stickers and has really mastered the sounds of the notes.