RObert titzer blog

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had the link to Robert titzer blog. I can’t find it and I wanted to read it for some info on getting children to read sentences and paragraphs.


I never heard of it. Didn’t know he had a blog, I thought he had only 2 kids, both of whom were grown well beyond the “early childhood” umbrella…

I’ve never hears of it either, but you should pm DadDude. He knows him so maybe he can help :slight_smile:

He does have a blog and, a little more than a year ago, I posted a question about teaching my daughter phonics and progressing from reading words and couplets to sentences and paragraphs and he wrote me a long, detailed and VERY helpful reply. The funny thing is - I can’t find his blog now. I tried googling it but just came up with a lot of unrelated sites. I will try to look up his email reply to me and see if his blog address is on there.

Back when we started with YBCR I found his blog in one of the product pages on his site - you know where they say “store” “contact us” “blog” etc… HOWEVER, I frequently checked it but it wasn’t updated for months - maybe he decided to pull it.

I agree - you should pm DadDude - then post the info here for us to see too :slight_smile: Thanks

Good info…I had no clue he has a blog…I ll search.

@ aangels. The response to you is what I am looking for. I used to read his blog all the time but recently have not been able to find it. He was also writing about teaching 2nd langages to. which I wanted to read.

Aangels you wouldn’t mind posting his response to you about teaching how to read sentences and paragraphs. I will Pm daddude as well.He might know how to find his blog.

Thanks everyone.


I searched for his blog and it now redirects to a domain his company owns. I assume that he’s taken it down. Not surprising, because he must be extremely busy with YBCR business stuff, and extremely busy people don’t usually have a lot of time for blogging…

Hi everyone,
I know I am very late for the discussion and probably no one will read this but I too read something in Dr.Robert Titzer blog about second language and wanted to read it again but it disappeared. They did remove the blog icon from their website and I noticed he stopped tweeting as well. Now it is all about YBCR as a whole and not Dr.Robert Titzer.
In his second language blog…he said that parents should be very careful when choose what the second language will be…but what I wanted to read was on what basis someone should choose the second language…is it based on popularity or …??does anyone know? or read the blog and remember?

Is this it or a knock off?

Hi TmT,

His blog had a picture of him at the top of the page. It looks likes his work though. Maybe someone has just copied and paste it? but I did read this on his blog so maybe it is. Im no help sorry.


Thanks TMT for the link. As Kimba said, it looks like his words, and i did read those articles on his blog but i still can’t find that one article i was looking for. But in any case, what you provided is good too. maybe i should copy the articles to my computer. You never know when these articles would disappear too.

Thank you