Ritchie Parker - I want my son to have this determination

and I want to be as amazing of a parent as his are!

This has NOTHING to do with what we usually talk about here on BrillKids, but I see so much value in this youtube video. Watch it yourself, then with your child - interesting and illuminating discussions will be had following. As my five year old son sat on my lap watching the screen I cried a bit, cuddled him a bit, and prayed A LOT. One of my many prayers is that he will grow up into a strong, determined young man who won’t let anything stand in his way. Young Mister Ritchie Parker can share wisdom with us all…


I love watching inspirational stories like this! Thanks for sharing!

What strength of mind they have!!! Sometimes we let even small things made us depressive and stopped moving forward. But they in such difficult (not to say impossible) situation made the things work as they wanted and this guy achieved what he dreamed of!.
Amazing. Thanks a lot for this video