Right brain learning - Spanish?

Can anyone recommend a good right brain program that is in Spanish? Something like Tweedlewink?


Check out Wink To Learn.
I have recently received it, so we haven’t tried it yet but the program was recommended to me by very knowledgeable forum members.

Thank you for the recommendation! I will certainly look into this program.
Let me know your thoughts on Wink to Learn after you get started with it!

Does anyone know of any others?

And what are your experience on Tweedlewink so far?

So far I love Tweedlewink, and my baby seems to enjoy it if I show it to her right after a nap or when she’s winding down at night. The sessions are short (8 minutes) and are really comprehensive, in my opinion. They do speed reading, quantities, visual tracking, and so much more. Sometimes during certain sections she doesn’t seem super interested, but I know she’s still taking it in even if she’s not “concentrating.”

Sounds cool, thanks for sharing! I think I need to try this as well.

I’ve heard great things about tweedlewink. there is a demo on youtube, which I just can not get my daughter to watch for the life of me. I sit her in my lap and am enthusiastic about the affirmations and music, but I just lose her.

bummer, as I REALLY wanted her to get into it. I’ll also check out the wink to learn.

Sometimes they’re just not interested for awhile. Try again in a couple of months, and you might be surprised! I read that it’s beneficial for them to be exposed to it even if they are not watching intently. Unless your baby us turning away from the screen and seems upset, it’s okay to just turn it on for her. It’s good to repeat the program at different developmental stages as well.

Wink to Learn Spanish.
I tried it with my son before we started any Spanish (he was just before 2 y.o.). He was not interested at all. Now, after watching Salsa Spanish videos for 2 months, which he loves, he seems to like Wink to Learn Spanish. I guess,originally he did not show interest in Wink to Learn because Spanish was not familiar to him.

It seems to me that the intonation on the DVDs is kind of monotonous. It is also a little bit strange that they show, two hands/feet/ears, but give words in singular. Apart from these minor negatives (although there may be a reason behind them), I believe it is a great program that will give my son good vocabulary and right brain training.
Each session is 2 minutes.

I bought Wink To Learn Spanish and have been using it with my 12 month old daughter, but I had to skip the first lesson, body parts. The video shows two feet when they say leg and two eyes (I think) when they say eye. I don’t know why it’s like that but i had a hard time going along with it. I ended up just skipping that lesson as she already knows most of the body parts anyway. It has been good so far except for a couple of other lessons in which they say the singular form but show more than one of the object. We are only on lesson 7. My baby seems to like it.
I love the fact that it’s good for right brain training :slight_smile: