Right Brain Flash DVD List

Glenn Doman CD Roms
Wink to Learn
Memory Magic

Am I overlooking any?

The problem with right brain is that you burn through the material so quickly and if I understand it correctly, you really should wait at least six months before showing it again after new connections have been formed in the brain. What if you spent a boatload of money and bought every single right brain flash video program out there and just rotated through them again and again from age 0-6? This would be even more cost effective if you planned to use it with multiple children and you knew you were going to do it for 6 years for each child. Or even if you only used it for 3 years, it should theoretically have a tremendous impact on the brain. Or would seeing the flashcards so many times make them left brain.


Hello TeachingMyToddlers,
good question about the right way to use right-brain flash cards. Our approach in right-brain flash card learning is to not focus on the actual image, but on stimulating the brain processing in the right-brain segments. We use the same images in the lleft-brain flash card sequences to maintain continuity of learning within each flash card image set, but mostly because the image and text adds more complexity to the image and requires more processing, without disassociating image and meaning.

With this in mind we would continue (not pause) to use right-brain tracks in conjunction with the left-brain program. I agree, it can feel like you don’t have enough material, as the rightbrain segments go very quickly, so by all means compile as many resources as you like, but replaying the existing resources can also be just as effective, for the same age range. This is because the right-brain segment is about neuron stimulation, and as long as the child is being ‘entertained’ (stimulated) then they will be processing the hard-to-read slides. Once the child has grown out of the left-brain set, then move on to a complementary new left and right set as they advance.

And lastly, we see the DVDs as a guide to be used with a parent, or as a supplement to a parents own stimulation. If a child is being stimulated or being engaged actively, that is much better than ‘broadcast’ stimulation. Of course as parents you get tired, or have other activities that need to be completed while the child is awake, and also young children have carers who might not be as engaging as yourself. This is where the supplementary material is ideal to use.

I hope this helps,