Right brain development for dayhome

Hi Guys!
I have meantioned before that I run a dayhome. My 2 youngest babies are 12months and I also care for a 18month old. How would you reccommend I present right brain stimulating activites to them. I started presenting Little Reader to them twice a day. I also try and present them with tweedlewinks once a day.
What else can I do for them at this age. I didn’t start right brian stuff with my son till he was 2.

Do the parents know you are doing right-brain activities with their kids? I also watch kids during the day, and I haven’t even brought up the subject with their parents. You know it’s a touchy subject, and the last thing I want to do is get fired!

What stinks is I don’t do much with my son now b/c I’m babysitting 8-9 hours a day.

I haven’t gone into deep details with them. They know about YBCR and Themes to Remember. But I don’t go bragging about this site or anything because I don’t want them to think I’m weird and like you said fire me. But from what I told them they seem happy. We do LR at mealtimes and I do the other videos according to Wesleys schedule. I find being in the home I have alot more time to do things like this with him before and after the kids come. As before working fulltime it was hard.

I’m working at their home, so I don’t have access to my materials, unfortunately. If I was at my house, it would be different.

Oh yeah that makes a difference for sure! Could you pack a bag with a few flashcards, dvds, cds and such and bring it along?

I could, but I don’t think it would work very well. Their son is super hyper. He would not sit still for me to show him. Then my son would not want to sit still either. Then there’s the issue of me doing something with their kids that they probably wouldn’t approve of. I don’t know, I may give it a while and talk to the mom about it. She did mention that she wants her son to learn his colors and stuff.

Hi Waterdreamer

Perhaps you could play the TW DVd, then use the themes from there to continue the right brain and left brain theme?
so e.g. if they have the artist Monet, then you could show them flashcards (maybe downloaded from this site) (RB) on other impressionist artists, continue that with some art for the day and show them how to paint in an impressionist way (LB)

eg if they have the planets, then you could show them a video on the planets (LB), read them a book (LB), show them flashcards of the planets (RB)

and so on.
Maybe you could integrate the learning with RB and LB activities. Matching cards are also always fun. Even if your kids are as young as 12 months old, it’s never too early to learn and for them to watch what you’re doing with the older kiddies.