Right brain balanced 8 year old, will wink help?

I have searched the forum and cannot find an answer. So hopefully…
I recently noticed my oldest Is surprisingly right brained. Well I shouldn’t be too surprised because I did flash cards and other activities with her as a little kid. The surprise is more that I didn’t realize how much of that she still uses. I wouldn’t have noticed at all ( or perhaps for another year) but her grades took a dive this last year ( from dux to average) and in getting to the bottom of it I realized she has spent a very stressful year in a very left brained classroom. To be blunt there was no love and her self esteem and self image took the biggest dive. I knew there was a personality clash between her and her teacher but didn’t realize how bad the situation was until after the year was over…and she started talking more freely and laughing… Ok so I am thinking over all she has learnt and how she learns best oh BOY how could I have missed it! So what I would like to know is what next? Now we know how can I teach her to tap into those skills, that mood? How can I enhance it? I have done some research and wink obviously popped up. But no one here seems to have used it on kids 6-10? Is it the best option? I personally in the past have used a alpha/ theta brain wave tape with success but I would love to teach her skills she can use at school. Hs anyone used a home made corriculum that will enhance self esteem, visualization and right brain learning in older kids? Or am I starting from scratch? Please any ideas or links would be great.

I subscribe to an email from a ‘right brain guru’ so to speak. He works alot on meditation and helping people visulize getting what they want and lifting their ‘energy’ to feel goo. I am not making it sound great but he has just bought aout a study course about how to raise children. I think the website is www.lifeact.com. Michael Domekyo Rowland is his name and I have seem him speak and he is very good. He is an aussie and lives in the blue mountains

Thank you looking it up right now! Surely he has at least one bit of useful info for me :yes:

I found this little bit of info on the forum by aangeles
“Most educational systems utilize left brain education. Wink can be used in schools before teaching academic material, or during breaks–or at home after school or at night as a “balancer” to keep the right brain strong. It only takes 10-15 minutes a day to keep the right brain open–and once it is really active, children and teens don’t have to do much to keep it open. As long as a child feels LOVED, they can keep that pathway open and active and enjoy learning with both sides of the brain.”
I am thinking this may be as close to an answer as I will get. It appears as though use of the wink program regularly, allows kids to draw on their right brain during school as needed. If this is indeed the idea this will be valuable advise for all the brillkids mummies and daddies to file away for later years :wink:
Still looking if anyone wants to add…

You could also supplement with the free version of this http://www.freeworldu.org/static/index.aspx

Try playing the learning music at nights while your daughter is sleeping. I am going to also start doing this. I did have my children in private school but did choose to homeschool them. I know this is not an option for many ;(

not sure about this site http://www.acceleratedlearningmethods.com/right-brain-learning.html


Not sure if you heard of brain gym but you could have her do these in the morning before school begins http://esl.about.com/od/englishlessonplans/a/braingym.htm


I also think wink would be a GREAT choice… Never used it but it looks fabulous…

Susan Khan

Oh thank you! I do know quite a lot about brain gym, I even used it in my class with a couple of the really physical students.it’s been years so I didn’t even think of that one! It should help plus she will enjoy it! We will definitely try that. It is a good option as I can easily teach her a few techniques that she can practice as she settles into the classroom. :yes:
Checking out the other links now…