I had been looking for this type of thing a while ago, too. I just googled “finger play rhymes” and got 80 million options! Well, maybe not exactly 80 million, but there are a lot of sites to visit. If I can find what I printed out, I’ll send them to you.
The local library should have cds that would encompass counting etc. There are books out there like WeeSing which do fingerplay rhymes and songs. Like 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive counts the fingers
1 little 2 little 3 little indians… and also youtube has a lot of these. Any song that counts to five or ten can use fingers or toes…like ten green bottles hanging on the wall, or 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed…or 5 little ducks went out one day…on you tube check out the wiggles songs. they have covered many of these. There’s plenty of clips from a Wiggle and Learn TV show full of nursery rhymes.
And the Hi5 theme song is good for counting to 5. Type in numbers, counting, nursery rhymes, and the names of particular counting rhymes and keep look at the list of similar themed clips…there’s a lot there.
This is the best music website I could find …I love it…numbers rhymes,animals,food rhymes…you named it! It has music along with the song and you also can print them.
Thanks allot .the mother goose club has great rhymes.Has anybody got site where when the song is been sung like story telling for example old macdonald the animals could be printed individwa llike a cow a horse etc,etc.thanks for this site.