Revising material already covered

Please can someone help me or point me in the right direction if this has already been covered in the past…
I have been teaching my eleven month old reading, maths and some encyclopedic knowledge for the past week using the Dorman method. What I am unsure about is this. The numbers/words/matter that I retire from the 6th day onwards, should I ever revise it with her again…maybe in a couple of months/years? Or do i assume because I have done it, thats it, she knows it forever???

I would. I find that my son forgets things that he has learned to read if I don’t occasionally review them.

review or revise them again and again …

i completed all by 1st yr … now i am taking it slowly revising all the materials again …

i wouldn’t say if you had done it they will remember it forever, doubt they can even pronounce it yet. Revision helps to reinforce and let them practice speaking the words. Anyway the younger they are the lesser the retention, as GD says if they can absorb 20% of 1000 words that is 200 words which is better than no words or 100 words … of course since you have the materials already prepared … why not go thru it again. but with a break in between of a few weeks to months before repeating, hopefully it goes up to 50% and by the 3rd yr it would be 100%.

I would put it as

  1. Telling her words means something
  2. memory practising
  3. focusing and attention
  4. reduces hyperactivities
  5. the earlier (4-6mths old) we start the better they get accustom to, the better their attention span
  6. by the time they are 1.5yrs or older you will notice their focusing ability is much much sharper than other kids
  7. the 1st yr, is more like if not to know and memorise the words, to accustom them, to gve them something to do or practice, memory workshop, behavioural accustamisation, curiosity building, and most importantly activation of the right mind.

Recently, my dd whose back is facing the cat and she was busy playing, suddenly said cat cat wee wee … while still playing and head loking down at her toy (not once did she turn around to look at the cat the whole while) … we thought it was cute she said that … but when we looked up the cat just weed into the cat’s potty … that’s spatial awareness that comes only from right brain development … or some prefer to call it esp.

One good way to revise reading is to use the reading words in homemade books. this way they see the words again but in different form so there is still something interesting to learn. or you could get out few off those old reading words and lay them out and point them in a book that you are reading with your child.

I agree with ariel - use the old words and information in a new way - that is why words lead to couplets and sentences and on to books. Encyclopaedic knowledge can also be expanded on in time rather than just repeated - you could try telling him again when you take him to a museum or a park or wherever the information becomes applicable again. You don’t want to bore them by doing it again in the same way.

Thank you all so much. I will definitely revise material every now and then. Presenting it in different ways sounds the best thing to do…hadnt thought of that :blush: