Results summary of research done on early learning

Can anyone direct me to any web articles summarizing results of research on children tought early (the best - done in USA)?
Thank you very much!

There’s virtually none done on Doman’s method or Titzer’s.

have you checked any of these :

The closest sort of research that is available–and there is a fair bit of this–concerns chidlren who arrived in kindergarten being able to read. In the scientific literature these kids are called either “early readers” or (esp. in the U.K. “precocious readers”). The most famous book on the topic is by Dolores Durkin, Children Who Read Early: Two Longitudinal Studies. This is highly interesting in that follows two different groups of kids through years of development. One group was followed six years after initial entrance in Kindergarten. The general conclusion is that the children who learned to read early still enjoyed a “head start” advantage even six years later; and this is true even controlling for IQ.

There are several other smaller studies (not that the Durkin studies were large) that generally support the same finding.

By the way, I wasn’t able to find any of this research without actually going to my local university library.

Thank you very much for your effort!!! Karma to you! :slight_smile:

It would be very interesting to have some summary especially on early readers. Maybe in time Brillkids can gathered some data about his Little reader’s users throughout the world and give us a summary of their accomplishments.